Altiero Spinelli and federalism in Europe and in the world

A cura di: Lucio Levi

Altiero Spinelli and federalism in Europe and in the world

Pagine: 184

ISBN: 9788820437367

Edizione: 1a edizione 1990

Codice editore: 886.5

Disponibilità: Fuori catalogo

Although he was recognized as a "Founding Father" of European unity in the last years of his life, Altiero Spinelli has become the subject of study only after his death. And yet his thought remains, on the whole, not well understood and appreciated. The basic reason for this lies in the extraordinary character of state unifications (the focus of Spinelli's activity) and the lack of adequate knowledge of the historical significance of these events. On the basis of federalist theory, Spinelli identified the basic contradiction of our time between the national size of political power and the internationalization of the process of production and formulated an overall judgement about it. He imagined the European unity, conceived as the first step on the way to world unification, as a political alternative, which did not only entail a change in government, but also a real change in the state, namely the transformation of nation-states in member-states of a European federation.

Consequently, he concentrated all his energy in the unbounded effort of providing the impetus for widening the size of the state. His great contribution to federalism lies in the field of political action. Indeed, he developed a theory of action as a separate and new branch of federalist thinking.

This book contains the proceedings of a symposium, which gathered in Torino in 1988 personalities coming from Europe, Asia and America. It represents an important contribution to the analysis of the work and thought of Spinelli in the light of the problems which contemporary federalism faces in Europe and in the world.

Preface by Lucio Levi
I. The Sources of Contemporary Federalist Thinking
1. Federalist Theory and World Peace, by Hanna Newcombe
2. Recent Developments in Federalist Theory, by Lucio Levi
3. The Lessons from Federalism in North America and in Continental Europe, by Keith Best
4. Federalism in Britain and Italy: Radicals and the English Liberal Tradition, by John Pinder
5. Federalism in the Third World, by Satish Kumar
6. The Ventotene Manifesto: the Only Road to Follow, by Mario AIbertini
7. Altiero Spinelli and the Strategy for the United States of Europe, by Sergio Pistone
II. The Transition Towards a World Government
1. The Common Heritage of Mankind and the Game of Coordination, by Jesper Grolin
2. Common Security and World Federalism, by Dieter Heinrich
3. From Détente to Peace, by Francesco Rossolillo
4. A Strategy for Achieving a United Nations World Federation, by John J. Logue

Contributi: M. Albertini, K. Best, J. Grolin, D. Heinrich, S. Kumar, J. Logue, H. Newcombe, J. Pinder, S. Pistone, F. Rossolillo

Collana: Gioele Solari - Dipartimento studi politici dell'Universita' di Torino

Argomenti: Scienza e teoria politica - Politica estera, relazioni internazionali

Livello: Studi, ricerche

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