Management, psychology, sociology, architecture, economics and humanistic studies: we offer the richest range of subjects to satisfy the needs of professionals, scholars, university and post-university educators.

Our publisher died on 3rd November 2017
This is the message that the President of the Italian Republic dedicated to Franco Angeli:
I mourn the loss of Franco Angeli, a relevant figure in the world of culture, a publisher dedicated to the role of university in society who, with his long commitment to research development, historic and philosophic thought evolution, as well as to science and communication innovation, contributed to the spreading of knowledge and to the modernization of our country.
Giorgio Napolitano, 4th November 2017

The history of professional publishing
Right before the economic boom of the 60s, in our country, professional publishing was characterized by a considerable backwardness in universities, as well as among small and medium enterprises. Even big companies were just at the beginning of a process of constructing more adequate structures, organizational forms and management techniques.
The first management publisher
Franco Angeli was the first management publisher to offer the tools for the spreading of new models and for the training of executives. Since then, Franco Angeli has been the leader of this market segment, having more than 50% of its share.
Its catalogue - boasting, just for this category, more than 1000 titles (of which 80 new titles per year) – is clear evidence of this leadership. It offers a very exhaustive library of updated tools on management methods, encompassing all the areas and professions of a business: marketing, production, finance, human resources, logistics, stockage, etc. Moreover, Franco Angeli’s catalogue includes self-training manuals of management skills: from negotiation to decision-making techniques, from time-management, to public speaking, from creativity to memory, and much more.

New professions in services and in the no-profit field
Thanks to the know-how acquired as a professional management publisher, Franco Angeli was able to diversify its offer. Its latest editorial projects are mainly dedicated to helping the development of new professional figures through the publishing of manuals and training tools targeted to specialists of tourism, no-profit organizations, social help, assistance and education.

Undergraduate and postgraduate education
The third, but not less significant, field of work of the publisher has grown constantly on the publication of books dedicated to the research and in-depth analysis of several university subjects. The first series were dedicated to economics (and all its sub-disciplines such as industrial economics and political economy) to then encompass psychology, anthropology, sociology, pedagogy, history, architecture, urban studies, informatics, labour law, etc. Franco Angeli represents a point of reference, as well as the most exhaustive specialised library in Italy, to professors and scholars – mainly in the field of modern human and social sciences.

Amici dell'Accademia dei Lincei
FrancoAngeli publication is member of Associazione Amici dell'Accademia dei Lincei.