Charting the Wellness Society in Europe.

A cura di: Giovanna Russo

Charting the Wellness Society in Europe.

Social transformations in sport, health and consumption

Today sport and physical activity are considered cultural tools able to understand the evolution of contemporary symbolic practices, always looking for wellness. The book examines in specific the wellness dimension, going beyond the concept of active lifestyle, investigating the importance of physical activities in order to maintain good health, with a comparative look between Italy, France and the United Kingdom.

Pagine: 144

ISBN: 9788891781031

Edizione: 1a edizione 2018

Codice editore: 1569.15

Disponibilità: Discreta

Pagine: 144

ISBN: 9788891786449

Edizione:1a edizione 2018

Codice editore: 1569.15

Possibilità di stampa: No

Possibilità di copia: No

Possibilità di annotazione:

Formato: PDF con DRM per Digital Editions

Informazioni sugli e-book

Pagine: 144

ISBN: 9788891786456

Edizione:1a edizione 2018

Codice editore: 1569.15

Possibilità di stampa: No

Possibilità di copia: No

Possibilità di annotazione:

Formato: ePub con DRM per Digital Editions

Informazioni sugli e-book

Wellness concept offers today a new key to describe and understand the social contest in which we live. From the transformation process of wellbeing over the last century in particular, the wellness dimension has grown so much that it involves not only individuals, but also the community and the environment.
The socio-cultural change laying behind these transformations involves the progressive expansion of the concept of sustainable well-being in the global society, which appears increasingly related to life chances and the spread of "wellness culture".
Exploring the wellness phenomenon today means tackling a rapidly growing frontier theme that strongly distinguishes contemporary "sportscape". Nowadays sport and physical activity represent cultural tools able to understand the evolution of contemporary symbolic practices, always seeking for wellness. In particular, they are important because helps to broaden the concept of well-being, whereby through sports practice it turns on into improving the "quality of life".
Hence the consideration that wellness relates to a concept of healthy life, in which sporting activities are the main means of staying healthy, physical and psychic. Wellness as practices and knowledge oriented towards a "good life": a healthy existence, that is aimed to a more authentic and socially adequate concept of well-being. Wellness culture therefore highlights how the important connection between sport, health and society defines the main welfare strategy of European people in different life spheres: health, well-being, work, consumption, etc.
The book examines all these aspects, going beyond the concept of active lifestyle, investigating the importance of physical activities in order to keep being healthy, with a comparative look between Italy, France and the United Kingdom.

Giovanna Russo
, PhD in Sociology and Political Sciences, she currently teaches Sociology of Wellness at "AMS" University of Bologna - Italy (Rimini campus). Her main topic of research: wellbeing, practices of sport and physical activities, sporty consumption and communication, disability, wellness, migration and religion. Other books for this editorial board: La società della wellness. Corpi sportivi al traguardo della salute (2011); Questioni di benessere. Pratiche emergenti di cultura, sport, consumi (2013).

Giovanna Russo, The wellness society: towards a new demand for wellbeing
(Introduction; Describing wellness culture; Sport and physical activity in Europe: improving the state of health; The wellness economy: sport, health, consumption; Conclusion)
Ivan Waddington, Andy Smith, Physical activity, sport and health: what is the appropriate public health message?
(Introduction; Sport, exercise and the healthy body ethos; Physical activity, sport and health; The epidemiology of sports injuries; Sport, health and public policy; Public health policy and physical activity; Conclusion)
William Gasparini, Le sport santé sur prescription médicale face aux inégalités sociales de santé: l'exemple français
(Introduction; Sédentarité, inégalités de santé et activité physique; Du "sport-santé pour tous" au sport-santé pour les patients atteints de maladies chroniques. Evolution des politiques de santé publiques françaises; "Sport santé sur ordonnance": un programme innovant de santé publique; Des patients pratiquant une activité physique sur prescription médicale: quelques résultats de l'enquête sociologique; Des patients sédentaires issus majoritairement des quartiers populaires; Se dépenser physiquement et sortir de l'isolement social; Vers un mode de vie physiquement plus actif?; "Bouger" dans la ville de Strasbourg: conciliar prévention primaire et secondaire par l'activité physique grâce à l'aménagement urbain; Conclusion)
Stefano Martelli, Italian sportsmen and sportswomen, in search of their own wellness
(Introduction; Sports and physical activities in Italy; Well-being and active life, but also unhealthy lifestyles; Final remarks: do the movement practices play a positive function for healthy lifestyles?)
Julien Pierre, Sport et bien-être en entreprise: une comparaison France - Italie
(Introduction; Fiat et Peugeot, les moteurs d'une instrumentalisation du sport; Les fonctions du paternalisme sportif; La place de la France et de l'Italie dans l'Europe du sport en entreprise; Vers un nouveau "culte du bien-être au travail"?; Conclusion)
Mauro Ferraresi, Beauty and Wellness in the hyperconnected society
(Introduction: a media study approach; Blogosphere; Consumptionsphere; Beauty and wellness as introflexed mirrors)

Contributi: Mauro Ferraresi, William Gasparini, Stefano Martelli, Julien Pierre, Andy Smith, Ivan Waddington

Collana: Sport, Cultura, Società

Argomenti: Sociologia della salute

Livello: Studi, ricerche - Textbook, strumenti didattici

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