Design Research: Between Scientific Method and Project Praxis.

A cura di: Lucia Rampino

Design Research: Between Scientific Method and Project Praxis.

Notes on Doctoral Research in Design 2012

Methodology is pivotal to any research effort because “its reliability is determined by its methodology”. In design, research reliability is an even more delicate issue. As a result, there continues to be debate about what it means to do research using the tools and methods that belong to the discipline of design, even about the terms in which such research is possible. This book aims to make a contribution to this debate.

Pagine: 176

ISBN: 9788820405809

Edizione: 1a edizione 2012

Codice editore: 85.84

Disponibilità: Buona

Pagine: 176

ISBN: 9788856855821

Edizione:1a edizione 2012

Codice editore: 85.84

Possibilità di stampa: No

Possibilità di copia: No

Possibilità di annotazione:

Formato: PDF con DRM per Digital Editions

Informazioni sugli e-book

Methodology is pivotal to any research effort because "its reliability is determined by its methodology", as Leonard Archer phrased it. In design, a young, non-scientific, multidisciplinary, border discipline, research reliability is an even more delicate issue. As a result, there continues to be debate about what it means to do research using the tools and methods that belong to the discipline of design, even about the terms in which such research is possible. This book aims to make a contribution to this debate.
In the scientific tradition, research should be objective, systematically conducted, and context-free. These three adjectives summarize the traditional model of academic research, the model that several design scholars opted for, mainly at the doctoral level. On the other hand, an alternative model, where research is based on design practice, has been gaining credibility in recent years. In the most extreme reading of this approach, the research process coincides with the design process and the research result is the practical result itself. However, opting for a 'practice-led' or 'artistic' approach ought to be a mindful choice, not a shortcut to dodge the complex question of method. Indeed, the very issue of method belongs to the scientific tradition, something every researcher must be aware of. Once this basic knowledge has been imparted to our PhD students, all the limits of applying the scientific method to a non-scientific discipline like design should be explained and discussed. Some highlights of that discussion have found their way into this book.

Lucia Rampino , PhD, is an assistant professor at the Politecnico di Milano, Indaco (Industrial Design, Art and COmmunication) Department. Her theoretical and applied research focuses mainly on the role of design in new product development processes aimed at innovation. She has participated in a number of European and nationally funded research projects. Since January 2009, she has been a member of the faculty of the Doctoral Program in Design at the Politecnico di Milano Doctoral School.

Lucia Rampino, A Question of Method
On the Role of Design
Alessandro Biamonti, Mind the Gap: How to Design in New Paradigms
Michel Bauwens,
The Role of Open Hardware and Peer Production in Ensuring a Sustainable World
Pietro C. Marani, The Role of Art History in the Designer's Work and Practice
On Design Research
Francesco Trabucco, How Design Relates to Scientific Research
Tore Kristensen, Doctoral Research in Design versus Doctoral Research in Management
Ilpo Koskinen, Confusions: How Design Research Meets Art and Design
Raffaella Mangiarotti, Design Research and Professional Practice
Silvia D. Ferraris, The Collaborative versus the Individualistic Approach to Design Research
On Design Research Methods
Lucia Rampino, Sara Colombo, Method, Strategy or Tool? A Semantic Clarification
Paolo Volonté, The GAS Tank: Remarks on the Real Scientific Method
Lucia Rampino, Sara Colombo, Toward a Taxonomy of Design-research Methods
Beatrice Villari, Action Research and Design Research: Theory and Practice
Roberta Gorno, Practical Design Methods: Design and Emotion
Alberto Colorni, Alessandro Luè, Decision-aid Tools for Design Problems.

Contributi: Michel Bauwens, Alessandro Biamonti, Alberto Colorni, Silvia Ferraris, Roberta Gorno, Ilpo Koskinen, Tore Kristensen, Alessandro Luè, Raffaella Mangiarotti, Pietro Marani, Francesco Trabucco, Beatrice Villari, Paolo Volontè

Collana: Serie di architettura e design

Argomenti: Disegno industriale

Livello: Studi, ricerche

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