Fintech Era.

Roberto Ferrari

Fintech Era.

Digital Revolution in Financial Services

With a view of foreseeing future trends and possible developments in the digitalisation of financial services, the author has involved ten international figures in the banking world, namely Yoni Assia, Mariano Belinky, Anne Boden, Rob Findlay, Nick Hungerford, Brett King, Michal Panowicz, Matteo Rizzi, Chris Skinner, and Andres Wolberg-Stok. This book is an enlightening read for experts in the field and consumers alike, and help those concerned to appreciate this digital revolution and the way it will affect relations between the parties.

Pagine: 164

ISBN: 9788891752932

Edizione: 1a edizione 2017

Codice editore: 666.1.1

Disponibilità: Discreta

Pagine: 164

ISBN: 9788891758859

Edizione:1a edizione 2017

Codice editore: 666.1.1

Possibilità di stampa: No

Possibilità di copia: No

Possibilità di annotazione:

Formato: PDF con DRM per Digital Editions

Informazioni sugli e-book

Pagine: 164

ISBN: 9788891763556

Edizione:1a edizione 2017

Codice editore: 666.1.1

Possibilità di stampa: No

Possibilità di copia: No

Possibilità di annotazione:

Formato: ePub con DRM per Digital Editions

Informazioni sugli e-book

The digitalisation of financial services (FinTech) is expected to prompt significant changes, with customers who have experienced first-hand how banking and financial services have dramatically improved in just a few years. Ongoing change challenges traditional business models and questions arise as to whether banking will be affected by digital disruption - as has been the case in other sectors - and if traditional banks will survive, evolve, or will give way to new FinTech start-ups. By looking at both the national and international scenario, this book provides a snapshot of the major characteristics and trends in the FinTech era. Technological progress, Internet innovation, disintermediation, customer experience and mobility are now established banking services and involve payments, financial transfers and investments. Bitcoin, blockchain, crowfunding, robo advisors, P2P lending, and alternative finance have entered financial terminology and contribute to establishing new business models and bringing together expertise from different sectors. With a view of foreseeing future trends and possible developments in this field, the author has involved ten international figures in the banking world, namely Yoni Assia, Mariano Belinky, Anne Boden, Rob Findlay, Nick Hungerford, Brett King, Michal Panowicz, Matteo Rizzi, Chris Skinner, and Andres Wolberg-Stok. This book is an enlightening read for experts in the field and consumers alike, and help those concerned to appreciate this digital revolution and the way it will affect relations between the parties.

Roberto Ferrari, Chief Digital and Innovation Officer Mediobanca group, has been General Manager of CheBanca!, digital and retailing bank of Mediobanca, until mid 2017 for over four years. Listed in WSJ's Financial News 2016 and 2015 Top40 Fintech powerpeople in Europe, 2017, 2016 and 2015 Power 50 digital banker in European digital financial services from Digital Banking Club London.

Riccardo Luna, Foreward
1950-2000. From the first credit card to internet banking: the transformation of financial services begins
2000-2020. From internet banking to the birth of fintech: the digital revolution begins
(The Birth of FinTech; Bitcoin; Digital payments and neobanks; P2P and digital lending; Robo & digital investing and trading; Crowdfunding and alternative finance; Blockchain; FinTech for SME)
2020-2050. FinTech and banking: what is to come
(The nine main trends for the coming years; Interviews)

Contributi: Riccardo Luna

Collana: Neo

Argomenti: Finanza operativa

Livello: Saggi, scenari, interventi - Testi per professional

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