Millennium Haze

A cura di: Mario Aldo Toscano, Vincent N. Parrillo

Millennium Haze

Comparative Inquires about Society, State and Community

Pagine: 208

ISBN: 9788846428677

Edizione: 1a edizione 2000

Codice editore: 1944.9

Disponibilità: Discreta

Originally presented at the Fourth Italo-american Conference at William Paterson University of New Jersey in May 1999, the essays in this volume deal with important social science issues of the past millennium that still continue in this new one.

Recognizing that problems often do not remain fixed within specific times and dates, we seek a balanced theoretical and empirical approach to these ongoing issues. Life is full of expectations which hope and intelligence can only partially satisfy. When we speak of society, state, and community, we not only think about institutions and symbols of the past, but also of the future. Moreover, these different levels of organized human endeavor often constitute problems requiring either readjustement or reconstitution in response to new events and insights. The collective effort of the authors is to give a viable framework for an adequate reading and interpretation of ever-and-never lasting questions affecting humanity everywhere now-a-days

Mario Aldo Toscano is professor of History of Sociology at University of Pisa, Italy.

Vincent N. Parrillo is professor of Sociology at William Paterson University, New Jersey-USA.


Mario A.. Toscano , Foreword

Cultural Frames

Vincent N. Parrillo , Cultural Identity and Heritage

Mario A.. Toscano , Cultural Heritage, Arts and the "Italian Space"

Rosanne Martorella, Michele Trimarchi , Comparative Cultural Policies: Italy and the United States

Joseph Conforti , What Makes Italian-Americans Feel Italian

Susanna Tardi , Out with the Old, In with the New? Into the Millennium: Norms and Values among Italian-American Students

Angela Danzi, Marilyn Blumenthal , "I'll never speak to you again!": an Exploration of Family Disconnection

Charles Barresi , The Search for Social Identity and Values: Genealogical Research among Italian Americans

Raffaello Ciucci , Youth and Subjectivity in Italy

Political Frames

Domenico Settembrini , Beyond State and Nation: Problematic Perspectives

Dino Cofrancesco , When People do not Share the Same Language, Anymore

Alberto Massera , Between Local and Global: the Italian Case

Ino Rossi , Globalism, Nationalism and Social Identity

Enrico Taliani , European Union: Integration Process and Social Cohesion

Debora Spini , Political Identity and Citizenship in Italy

Luisella Battaglia , Bioethics and Human Rights


Paolo Giovannini , Industrial Decline and Local Development in Italy

Annalisa Buccieri , The Internet and the Small and Medium Businesses in Italy

Joseph L. Albini , Terrorists, the New Cornmunication Technologies, and the United States in the Twenty-First Century: Lessons learned from Italy's fight against the Red Brigades

Silvano D'Alto , Westem City and World City on the Eve of the 21 St Century.

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