Neighbourhood Housing Debate

A cura di: Daniela Ciaffi

Neighbourhood Housing Debate

Pagine: 240

ISBN: 9788846473455

Edizione: 1a edizione 2005

Codice editore: 380.303

Disponibilità: Discreta

This book originated at the Italian national NeHoM (Neighbourhood Housing Model) conference, the main theme being the relationship between State, Market and Third Sector in urban regeneration programmes. A large gap between socially oriented pilot experiences and a prevalently market oriented context was identified, especially in some of the new EU member states in Central and Eastern Europe.
This distance between such diverse backgrounds led the Authors of this book to select common key subjects: private actors, involved in local regeneration programs, and non-profit organisations, seen as a new subject playing a relevant role within the social arena.
The research project offers an overview of the past decade:
- the implementation of integrated policies in most countries following a long tradition of spatially oriented initiatives;
- new projects in those countries that consider the real estate market as the only solution to regenerate deprived neighbourhoods.
The question: can the development of local urban scenarios benefit from a comparative study of national cases?

Daniela Ciaffi, Doctor in Territorial Planning and Local Development and postdoctoral researcher at the Turin Polytechnic. Member of the Italian NeHoM research group. Studies physical projects and social action in urban regeneration processes, with emphasis on community participation.

Daniela Ciaffi, Preface
Alex Fubini, Introduction
Part One
Nicky Morrison, Social cohesion within European Neighbourhoods
(Introduction; Neighbourhoods and social cohesion; Evidence on the nature of social exckusion across Europe; Conclusions; Bibliography)
Alex Fubini, Solutions to problems or problems for solutions?
(Aims and contents of NeHoM Project; Problems & solutions or solutions & problem?; Good practices and transferability; Combining physical and social regeneration: recurring issues; Urban market and planning policies)
Daniela De Leo, Italy’s peripheries and Policies: an Overview
(NeHoM peripheries; Definitions and descriptions of the periphery; Policies for peripheries; Town planning proximity families; Urban regeneration policies; Some final policies; Bibliography)
Part Two
Daniela Ciaffi, Valeria Lingua, Who invests in change in poor or rundown Neighbourhoods?
(An approach to the understanding of the NeHoM Case Studies; What the Charts show; What the Charts do not tell us; Bibliography; The case: Diagrama)
Part Three
Christiane Droste, Germany: Berlin Marzahn North/West: “from State to Market” “from Wohnkomplex to Neighbourhood”
(Introduction; Marzahn North/West, “on site”; From “physical rehabilitation” to “integrative urban development”; Action funds and Neighbourhood public funds as means of shared responsibility; Local activities and national frameworks – an often tense relation; Conclusion and further prospective for the relation between State and Market in Marzahn; Bibliography)
Zoltán Kovács, Tamás Egedy, Hungary transferable Lessons of State housing Policy and Neighbourhood initiatives in European cities – a hungarian perpective
(Introduction; Housing Policy in Hungary after World War II; Transformation of the housing sector in Hungary after 1990; The role of equilibrium between different actors in housing initiatives: the Hungarian NeHoM cases; Transferable lessons learnt from NeHoM cases; Conclusions; Bibliography)
Katrin Paadam, Estonia: from Istitutions to Individuals and back to Istitutions…
(Conceptualising the NeHoM research experience; Learning from the practice and starting theorising; The Estonian experience – Background; Experiences described in the Tallinn cases studies; Concluding Remarks; Bibliography)
Giovanni Laino, Italy: the Scampia District in Naples
(Planning Policies for Naples’s Outer Neighbourhood; Scampia: General Features of the Neighbourhood; The social profile of the Neighbourhood: a sociological sketch; Prevalent Resident Attitudes towards Neighbourhood Problems; Policies for the Neighbourhood; A Map of the Projects; Neighbourhood Regeneration Plans; Other Projects in the Neighbourhood; The Implementation of the Programme in April 2003; Current Picture; Suggestions for a more effective and multi-faceted approach in Scampia)
Part Four
Daniela Ciaffi, Learning by Doing: Interviews
(Introduction; The Interviews; Bibliography)
Partners and Contacts.

Contributi: Daniela De Leo, Christiane Droste, Tamas Egedy, Alex Fubini, Zoltan Akos Kovacs, Giovanni Laino, Valeria Lingua, Nicky Morrison, Katrin Paadam

Collana: Economia e politica industriale

Argomenti: Urbanistica e pianificazione territoriale

Livello: Studi, ricerche

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