![Places & Themes of Interiors.](https://static.francoangeli.it/fa-libri-copertine/400/85_62.jpg)
Luca Basso Peressut, Imma Forino, Gennaro Postiglione, Francesco Scullica
Places & Themes of Interiors.
Contemporary Research Worldwide
In a global, complex, stratified and constantly evolving reality, Interiors as theoretical discipline and design praxis are undergoing profound transformations. This differently articulated scenario relates and connects even more to various disciplinary spheres, such as anthropology, sociology, economy, technology, communication and arts. Critical and theoretical reflections, together with applicative experimentations and didactic experiences converge in mapping places and subjects for international research in the field of Interiors.
Pagine: 280
ISBN: 9788846499752
Edizione: 1a edizione 2008
Codice editore: 85.62
Disponibilità: Nulla
Pagine: 280
ISBN: 9788846494290
Edizione:1a edizione 2008
Codice editore: 85.62
Possibilità di stampa: No
Possibilità di copia: No
Possibilità di annotazione: Sì
Formato: PDF con DRM per Digital Editions