Report 2008


Report 2008

Child abandonment: an emergency

This Report on the Emergency of child abandonment comes from the initiative of Amici dei Bambini and it analyzes the reality of the social protection systems for children in out-offamily care of five European countries, highlighting the instruments, limits, and problematic issues in the protection of children without parental care: a real humanitarian emergency.

Pagine: 368

ISBN: 9788856800005

Edizione: 1a edizione 2008

Codice editore: 1130.237

Disponibilità: Discreta

This Report on the Emergency of child abandonment comes from the initiative of Amici dei Bambini and analyzes the reality of the social protection systems for children in out-of family care of five European Countries, highlighting the instruments, limits and problematic issues in the protection of children without parental care: a real humanitarian emergency.
This is the second Report after the one issued in 2007. It is published with the financial support of the European Commission within the Community Action programme to Combat Social Exclusion 2000-2006, and is the result of a project called "Social Inclusion for out-of-family children and young people in public childcare".
Starting from an analysis of the present situation, the Report carefully examines public social policies as well as civil society's efforts, their shortcomings as well as their assets, but also cultural myths and practical difficulties hindering tangible and sustainable family-based answers.
A series of recommendations from local experts, social, administrative and political actors completes this comparative study, providing possible solutions to an often understated emergency.

A special thanks for their contributions goes to Roberta Angelilli, Anna Maria Dapporto, Danut Fleaca, Cleofe Maria Cristina Guardigli, Jana Hainsworth, Brigitte Rabault.

2008 Report Child abandonment: an emergency
Marco Griffini, Out of family children: an "awkward" item
Cleofe Maria Cristina Guardigli, Presentation of the Report
Part I. A study on Social Exclusion: teorical and methodological issues
Rita Bichi, Institutionalisation as a factor of social exclusion
Rita Bichi, A social research in Europe: methodological issues
Part II. Social Exclusion of Children Placed in Out of family Care
Adriana Baban, Oana Marcu, Catrinel Craciun, Romanian Country Report
Danut Fleaca, Comments: Adoption Adults' or Children's Right
Zlatka Mihova, Anet Marinova, Antoaneta Mateeva, Bulgarian Country Report
Tzveta Antonova, Comments: The priorities of the governmental policies in Bulgaria
Ilze Trapenciere, Latvian Country Report
Lauris Neikens, Comments: The priorities of the governmental policies in Latvia
Sophie Marinopoulos, French Country Report
Brigitte Rabault, Comments: Public aid for youth autonomy
Mauro Favaloro, Silvana Poloni, Italian Country Report
Anna Maria Dapporto, Comments: Observations on the Protection System in Italy and Emilia-Romagna
Part III. Conclusions: the public and private policy
Monica Barbarotto, A global view
Roberta Angelilli, European strategies on family rights
Jana Hainsworth, Civil society against social exclusion of children and young people. The role and activities of an EU network
The partners organization
The researcher team.

Contributi: Roberta Angelilli, Tzveta Antonova, Adriana Baban, Monica Barbarotto, Rita Bichi, Catrinel Craciun, Anna Maria Dapporto, Mauro Favaloro, Danut Fleaca, Marco Griffini, Cleofe Guardigli, Jana Hainsworth, Oana Marcu, Sophie Marinopoulos, Anet Marinova, Antoaneta Mateeva, Zlatka Mihova, Lauris Neikens, Silvana Poloni, Brigitte Rabault, Ilze Trapenciere

Collana: Politiche e servizi sociali

Argomenti: Infanzia, adolescenza

Livello: Studi, ricerche

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