Sustainable Mediterranean Construction.

A cura di: Paola De Joanna, Dora Francese, Antonio Passaro

Sustainable Mediterranean Construction.

Sustainable environment in the Mediterranean region: from housing to urban and land scale construction

The Cittam conference has the aim of investigating about the reflection – over the sustainable development strategies and the ecological approach – of a number of principles, already present and rooted in the Mediterranean traditional culture, such as the bioclimatic response of buildings, the local resource employment and the social and cultural factors involved in the human activities.

Pagine: 612

ISBN: 9788820414368

Edizione: 1a edizione 2012

Codice editore: 1330.83

Disponibilità: Discreta

Pagine: 612

ISBN: 9788856858327

Edizione:1a edizione 2012

Codice editore: 1330.83

Possibilità di stampa: No

Possibilità di copia: No

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Formato: PDF con DRM per Digital Editions

Informazioni sugli e-book

The Cittam (Centro Interdipartimentale di ricerca per lo studio delle Tecniche Tradizionali dell'Area Mediterranea) has always been dealing with the great subjects of the architecture, landscape and urban design within the Mediterranean region, through a number of different studies about the traditional technologies and strategies employed by the populations inhabiting this so rich cultural basin.
This international conference has the aim of investigating about the reflection - over the sustainable development strategies and the ecological approach - of a number of principles, already present and rooted in the Mediterranean traditional culture, such as the bioclimatic response of buildings, the local resource employment and the social and cultural factors involved in the human activities. In fact, following the Meridian Thought, the dialogue, the communication, he fecundity and the nomadism of ideas and people, and last but not least the slowness set against the frantic life, can be taken as re-founded values for the Mediterranean common culture. As far as contemporary architecture is concerned, and thus new application of city and land configuration, the teaching lectures learnt from the aforesaid principles, included in the Mediterranean tradition, will provide a large and deep aid to the actions and design items aimed at reducing the ecological footprint and at respecting the existing landscape.
The challenge of this Cittam conference is the enhancement of the cultural connection between the architecture, the infrastructures and the XXI century city configuration, all of which had contributed to the whole process - from the big works of the 19th century, till the nowadays innovation in material and product employment; by means of comparison and discussion about examples, theories, ideas and studies, the relationship between the various scale design and the sustainable development approach within the Mediterranean region will be faced.

D. Francese, Preface
D. Francese, Sustainable construction in the Mediterranean region
P. Casalonga,
Local resources valorization: one answer to three crisis
N. Tsinikas,
Lightweight constructions for the Mediterranean climate
D. El Kerdany,
Sustainable conservation in Egypt: paradigm and issues
Topic 1. Ancient technologies of the material culture in the Mediterranean area
C. Atzeni, Sardinia's historic districts renovation manuals
G. Ausiello,
The living project in the Etruscan culture
F. Ben Ali,
The vernacular architecture of the Tunisian oasiscities: element of a specific cultural landscape
G. Duca,
Local identity and sustainability of Middle Ages Italian towns
M. R. Escorteganha Laner, M. Fumo, J. Bayon, A. Gonçalves Santiago,
"Vale Dos Vinhedos" - Landscape and cultural heritage. Wood architecture created by Italian immigrants in the South of Brazil
G. Mitrache,
Rediscovering old truths
B. Pau, The wall, an element of identity and a structuring component of the Mediterranean architecture
E. Petroncelli,
Historic heritage: a model of sustainable development
M. Silva, P. Mendonça, J. Branco,
Traditional wooden buildings in Portugal. The Avieira house
Topic 2. Innovation within sustainable housing in the Mediterranean culture
F. Ben Ali, F. Iucolano, D. Piscopo, M. Fumo, D. Caputo, The Galeb of southern Tunisia: from tradition to innovation
G. Cadoni,
Approach to classification and evaluation of naturally cooled buildings and analysis of what impact passive cooling systems have on architectural design
G. Desogus,
Adaptive thermal comfort in Mediterranean buildings
E. Di Giuseppe, M. D'Orazio, C. Di Perna,
Thermal performance of reflective insulation in Mediterranean climate
G. La Fianza, D. Fornaro,
Strategies for energy recovery in respect of quality: an example of rural architecture in Molise
M. Losasso,
Building technologies and eco-efficiency for urban retrofit
M.T. Lucarelli, M. Mandaglio, D. Pennestrì,
The building envelope between process and product innovation
K. Rückert, M. I. Kiefel, S. Michel,
Longlife design. Integrated design for sustainable buildings
M. Sala, L. Boganini,
"Abitare Mediterraneo" database: an open system
F. Tucci,
Technologies aimed at eco efficiency in the experimentation of Mediterranean social housing
F. Vavili Tsinika, M. (Iro) Karantaki,
Mediterranean architecture and building materials in modern Greece
Topic 3. Sustainable urban design for the Mediterranean city
M. I. Amirante, M. Cannaviello, R. Franchino, C. Frettoloso, F. Muzzillo, A. Violano, The environmental quality of open spaces in the mediterranean area
N. Carrà,
Cultural sustainability and urban quality
A.M. Constantin, Mediteranean vision for continental urban space
G. Critelli, A. Taccone,
Soft mobility in the consolidated city
J.M. de Botton y Halfon, F. Cocirio,
A new eco-district in Barcelona
C. Fallanca De Blasio, M. Umbro,
City as leaf nervation
P. Gallo, V. Gianfrate,
Arezzo case study: the new model of industrial settlement in Tuscany
M. Rigillo, M. Clemente, G. Esposito De Vita, S. Gilchriest,
Urban form and city environment. A proposed methodology to understand sustainability
G. Scripcariu-Ochiai,
What sloterdijk's foam city has to do with "open source" urbanism, and further, with the Mediterranean city?
Topic 4. Surveys and configuration in Mediterranean architecture
A. Davico, P. Mendonça, Memory of an ephemeral architecture
P. Davoli,
Borgo_clima: energetic and environmental retrofitting of the historic fabric G. Foti, D. Iacono, Interpretation of language decoded by pre-existing
P. Mendonça, M. Macieira,
Interior partition walls in Mediterranean climates. Lightweight versus heavyweight
M. Mihaila,
About urban insertions and space discontinuities
F. Miraglia,
New acquisitions on palazzo Marzano in Carinola
S. Mocci,
Living. Relationships, forms e types
F. Oggiano, Contemporary evolution of the local built-up areas in the Mediterranean Topic 5. Sustainable materials, products and building processes in the Mediterranean area
A. Battisti, L. Martinelli, Bioclimatic approach in urban open space retrofit intervention: the case of Prati area in Rome
A. Florescu, G. Bandoc, M. Degeratu,
Strategies for sustainable development in romanian coastal zone of the black sea in use of renewable energies
P. Gallo, R. Romano, M. Villalta,
New dynamic building envelope systems for Mediterranean area
N. Gamrani, K. Rkha Chaham, F. Fratini, L. Rovero, U. Tonieti,
Caractérisation mécanique in situ et au laboratoire d'un pisé d'âge saadien (1578-1603) (sucrerie de Chichaoua, Maroc)
A. Meloni,
New sustainable building solutions in Sardinia
A. Mitrache,
Sustainability and architectural bio-compatibility
F. Moedinger, F. Ast,
Converting a large scale brick plant to alternative/renewable fuels in an industrializing country
S. Monteiro da Silva, P. Silva, M. Almeida, L. Bragança,
Improving buildings refurbishment through operative conditions evaluation
A. Novais, M. Almeida,
Support tools for building thermal rehabilitation
K. Rkha Chaham, N. Gamarani,
Les remparts de Marrakech (Maroc): caractérisation géotechnique et minéralogique
Topic 6. Mediterranean sites: archaeological areas and settlements
C. Filagrossi Ambrosino, C. Balestra, L. Maglio, D. Petrone, Compatible use and environmental vivibility in the Acerra Castle, Naples
C. Grimellini, B. Marenga,
The urban park of Aragon's Wall in Naples
L. Mollo, P. Pesaresi, C. Biggi,
Interactions between ancient Herculaneum and modern Ercolano
M. Stanganelli, M. Soravia, F. P. Migliaccio,
Heat islands and urban structure
A. Tartaglia, R. Riva, S. Chirico,
Design and technologies for integration of archeological resources in environmental design. The strategic plan of Marsala
Topic 7. Mediterranean landscape: paths works and water management
P. De Joanna, A. Passaro, Identity of rural landscape. Traditional constructions and hydraulic works in Cilento
A. Dessì,
From historical rural landscape to new urbanity in Sardinia
A.A.Y. Freewan,
Improving daylight quality in offices using fixed shading devices in hot climate region
V. Gomes de Luca, A. Gonçalves Santiago,
The cultural landscape of Italian immigrant in rural historic sites
G. La Fianza, D. Fornar,
Study and proposal for the development of guidelines for areas subject to landscape bond (Molise) in view of energy conservation and improvement
C. Rodrigues,
Villages in the interior of Portugal. The case of the Algarve.

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