The Esfbi Study.

A cura di: Dario Gregori, Bruno Morra, Silvia Snidero, Roberto Corradetti, Desiderio Passali

The Esfbi Study.

Final Report

Pagine: 516

ISBN: 9788846467393

Edizione: 1a edizione 2005

Codice editore: 365.390

Disponibilità: Discreta

The European Survey on Foreign Bodies Injuries (EFSBI) was a study conducted in 19 European Hospitals (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Greece, Italy, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Swiss, Turkey and United Kingdom) aimed at gathering data about the injuries caused by foreign bodies (FB) in children aged 0-14.

The discharge records based on ICD-9CM codes 931 (FB in the airs), 932 (FB in the nose), 933 (FB in the pharynx and larynx), 934 (FB in the trachea, bronchi and lungs) and 935 (FB in the mouth, esophagus and stomach) were reviewed and data collected using a standardized protocol. The attention was not only paid to the type of object, age and complications, but also to the circumstances of the accident (the activity of the children before the injury, the presence or absence of an adult and the association of the body with other objects).

This report presents the final results of the study and its evolution into the prospective European Registry "Susy Safe".

Part I
Introductive remarks
Epidemiological aspects and the study design
(Design of the study; The Case Report Form; The feed back of the contacted countries; Gender, age and ICD; Foreign body typology; The industrial components; Removal of foreign body; Complications; Hospitalisation)
Clinical impact of the results of the European epidemiological survey
(Preliminary remarks; Conclusions)
Our guidelines for treatment of upper aerodigestive tract foreign bodies in pediatric patients
(Clinical assessment; Radiological assessment; Videoendoscopy)
Goals, strategies and general principles of EU food safety policy
(Organizational framework; Regulatory framework; Food safety and scientific evidence; Risk assessment; Concrete examples of Community action in the Food Safety area; Choking risks)
EU joint surveillance activity on monitoring suffocation injuries due to foreign bodies ingestion. The "SUSY SAFE" project
(The EU context in the area of consumer non-food product safety; The project; Description and planning of the actions to be executed; Final remarks and expected benefits)
(Description of the sampled population; Characteristics of feroeign bodies; Characteristics of circumstances of accidents; Direct costs)
Part II.
(Description of the sampled population; Characteristics of feroeign bodies)
(Description of the sampled population; Characteristics of feroeign bodies; Characteristics of circumtances of accidents)
(Description of the sampled population; Characteristics of feroeign bodies; Characteristics of circumtances of accidents)
(Description of the sampled population; Characteristics of feroeign bodies; Characteristics of circumtances of accidents; Direct costs)
Czech Republic
(Description of the sampled population; Characteristics of feroeign bodies; Characteristics of circumtances of accidents; Direct costs)
(Description of the sampled population; Characteristics of feroeign bodies; Characteristics of circumtances of accidents; Direct costs)
(Description of the sampled population; Characteristics of feroeign bodies; Characteristics of circumtances of accidents; Direct costs)
(Description of the sampled population; Characteristics of feroeign bodies; Characteristics of circumtances of accidents; Direct costs)
(Description of the sampled population; Characteristics of feroeign bodies; Characteristics of circumtances of accidents; Direct costs)
(Description of the sampled population; Characteristics of feroeign bodies; Characteristics of circumtances of accidents; Direct costs)
(Description of the sampled population; Characteristics of feroeign bodies; Characteristics of circumtances of accidents; Direct costs)
(Description of the sampled population; Characteristics of feroeign bodies; Characteristics of circumtances of accidents; Direct costs)
(Description of the sampled population; Characteristics of feroeign bodies; Characteristics of circumtances of accidents; Direct costs)
(Description of the sampled population; Characteristics of feroeign bodies; Characteristics of circumtances of accidents; Direct costs)
(Description of the sampled population; Characteristics of feroeign bodies; Characteristics of circumtances of accidents; Direct costs)
(Description of the sampled population; Characteristics of feroeign bodies; Characteristics of circumtances of accidents; Direct costs)
(Description of the sampled population; Characteristics of feroeign bodies; Characteristics of circumtances of accidents; Direct costs)
(Description of the sampled population; Characteristics of feroeign bodies; Characteristics of circumtances of accidents; Direct costs)
United Kingdom
(Description of the sampled population; Characteristics of feroeign bodies; Characteristics of circumtances of accidents; Direct costs)

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