In this section you can find answers about shipment and delivery.
If you need further assistance, fill the form.
Our shipping services are supplied by GLS. We deliver everywhere in Italy in two/three working days.
Should the client be unavailable, the carrier will leave a note and make two more deliveries in the following days.
For shipments abroad we offer an express service which delivers within the European Union in 3/5 working days. In 6/7 working days we reach any other location in the world.
Your order will be shipped by a COURIER. The costs are the lowest you can find on the Internet and are fixed for every purchase.
• For shipping in Italy and payments by credit card and bank transfer, the shipping cost is € 2,90.
• For shipping in Italy and payments cash on delivery the shipping cost is € 6,60.
For shipments abroad we offer an express service which delivers within the European Union in 3/5 working days. In 6/7 working days we reach any other location in the world.
The site automatically calculates the exact amount of the shipment based on the country of destination and directly adds this amount to your cart.
Please note that we accept only credit card payments (Visa, Master Card, American Express).
Customers are responsible for any import custom charges that may apply.
Unfortunately, it is not possible to choose a delivery day and time.
For orders shipped in Italy, when your order is shipped, you receive an e-mail with a code to track your parcel form your Personal Area.
For shiping outside Italy the tracking of the order is not possible.
If your order is not delivered within the specified date, please contact We will check with the courier for you.
Access to ‘my orders’ page, click on the details of the order and if it has already been shipped in Italy, you find a track number in the track columns. By clicking you are redirected to the courier website where you can track your order.
For shipments abroad we offer an express service which delivers within the European Union in 3/5 working days. In 6/7 working days we reach any other location in the world.
The site automatically calculates the exact amount of the shipment based on the country of destination and directly adds this amount to your cart.
Please note that we accept only credit card payments (Visa, Master Card, American Express).
Customers are responsible for any import custom charges that may apply.
You can order normally and pay with Credit Card or PayPal