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Crossref services and functionalities

CrossRef  is a no-profit organization established in 1999 by leading scientific publishers and international academics, with the aim of maximizing visibility and citability of online publications. It currently manages the metadata of about 50 million contents, working with about 4.000 publishers and with publications dating back to the XVII century until the present.  An e-book published on occasion of the tenth anniversary, gives more details about the association and its most relevant achievements.  

Every resource of the CrossRef database is associated to a DOI (Digital Object Identifier), a standard-format alphanumeric code allowing for a unique and long-lasting identification   of intellectual property on the Internet. 

CrossRef asks all its subscriber publishers to register the DOI on their publications to make them easy to cite by other publishers and researchers who, in turn, commit to quoting one another using the DOI. By doing so, permanent links are guaranteed to find the source of every citation. The result is a series of browsable-online crossed citations, which enhance the visibility and the access to the contents cited by every publisher.

In December 2013, 73 magazines by Franco Angeli were registered in the CrossRef database through mEDRA, the European Registration Agency of DOI. The bibliographical references of every article published on our website have this code-generated link (when available). 

Example of citations with DOI link

Thanks to CrossRef’s Cited-by Linking service, on the webpages dedicated to the articles, it is possible to monitor the impact of a publication on the international scientific community, by visualizing the list of the citations received by other articles available in CrossRef (see an example).

Example of visualizing the list of the citations received by other articles available in CrossRef

In 2012, Crossref launched the beta version of its free access search engine, allowing to obtain very specific results from several types of queries.  The picture shows the result of a title-based research: for every article the main metadata is reported as well as the link to the DOI. Thanks to a pop up, the user is given the opportunity to choose whether to buy the item on our website, or on Torrossa, the full-text platform created and managed by Casalini Libri.

Example of use of DOI to search one of our articles

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