Bruno Zevi

A cura di: Matteo Cassani Simonetti, Elena Dellapiana

Bruno Zevi

History, Criticism and Architecture after World War II

The book brings together critical updates on the figure of Bruno Zevi, considering his various facets as a historian, critic, journalist and reference point for design culture in Italy and abroad.

Pagine: 220

ISBN: 9788835120353

Edizione: 1a edizione 2021

Codice editore: 81.2.10

Disponibilità: Discreta

Pagine: 220

ISBN: 9788835131540

Edizione:1a edizione 2021

Codice editore: 81.2.10

Possibilità di stampa: No

Possibilità di copia: No

Possibilità di annotazione:

Formato: PDF con DRM per Digital Editions

Informazioni sugli e-book

Sono spesso accusato di far troppe cose: L'Espresso, la rivista, i libri, l'insegnamento universitario, l'IN/ARCH, l'Istituto di Urbanistica. Ne sento io stesso il peso e mi domando se non sarebbe meglio tagliare la maggior parte di queste attività per dedicarsi con maggiore energia al lavoro scientifico.
Il dubbio acquista spesso gli accenti di una "crisi" psicologica. Ma la mia, ch'io sappia, non è una crisi, oppure riveste origini remote e ha carattere permanente. Della fede dei miei avi sei milioni furono messi a morte senza ragione. [Bruno Zevi, 1960]

The book brings together critical updates on the figure of Bruno Zevi, considering his various facets as a historian, critic, journalist and reference point for design culture in Italy and abroad.
These studies underline the attention to the urban dimension, which anticipates much of the Global History, the relationships with "other" cultural contexts that have declined alternative nuances to the Zevian adage of Organic Architecture. It also defined the connections - including the personal ones - with giants of architectural design and historiography, the contacts with disciplines that do not exactly coincide with the consolidated concept of architecture, and the operative effects on the practice of architecture and history: the result is a Bruno Zevi as a Transnational Cultural Mediator.
This is not a monograph, therefore, but a meeting point for different, not necessarily homogeneous, perspectives, which seems to us to be of international interest, not only European, and useful for outlining further facets of Zevi's contribution to the design culture.

Texts by: Dan C. Baciu, Donatella Calabi, Matteo Cassani Simonetti, David M. Cassuto, Ilaria Cattabriga, Karine Daufenbach, Elena Dellapiana, Ron Fuchs, Luca Guido, Ita Heinze-Greenberg, Fabio Mangone, Monica Prencipe, Paolo Scrivano, Tamar Zinguer.

Ron Fuchs, Foreword
Fabio Mangone, Introduction
Dan C. Baciu, Questions and a Myriad Answers: Coming Together and Drifting Apart in the Historical Sciences
Donatella Calabi,
Bruno Zevi: an Architectural Historian Looking to Urban Planning
Matteo Cassani Simonetti,
"Assimilation" or "Diversity" of Jewish Architects and Jewish Architecture in Italy during the 20th Century. Notes on the Debate and the Reflection of Bruno Zevi
David M. Cassuto, "It is not incumbent upon you to finish the task, but neither are you free to absolve yourself from it". (Ethics of the Fathers)
Ilaria Cattabriga, Leonardo Ricci and Bruno Zevi: The Translation of "Anonymous" and "Organic" in the "Open Work"
Karine Daufenbach, The Brazilian Chapter: Brasilia as Highlight of Bruno Zevi's Narrative Verso un'architettura organica
Elena Dellapiana, "Inscape" beyond "Urba" and "Tecture". Zevi: Interior and Industrial Design. Critique and Dissemination
Luca Guido, Bruno Zevi and The Modern Language of Architecture
Ita Heinze-Greenberg, Heroic Narratives. Bruno Zevi and Eric Mendelsohn
Fabio Mangone, Bruno Zevi and Roberto Pane
Monica Prencipe, Organic Architecture, New Empiricism and the Modern Movement. Bruno Zevi's Polemic Use of Nordic Architecture within the Modern Discourse
Paolo Scrivano, Bruno Zevi, a Transnational Cultural Mediator
Tamar Zinguer, Bruno Zevi's Architecture Degree Zero
List of essays' cover pictures
Names index.

Contributi: Dan C. Baciu, Donatella Calabi, David M. Cassuto, Ilaria Cattabriga, Karine Daufenbach, Ron Fuchs, Luca Guido, Ita Heinze-Greenberg, Fabio Mangone, Monica Prencipe, Paolo Scrivano, Tamar Zinguer

Collana: Collana di Architettura - Nuova Serie

Argomenti: Teorie e storia dell'architettura

Livello: Studi, ricerche

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