Diversity management in companies and organizations

A cura di: Serena Gianfaldoni, Caterina Greco

Diversity management in companies and organizations

Reflections on the topic starting from a statistical survey

This book shows the results of a research on Diversity Management. The aim of the research project is to investigate the issue of Diversity Management in the organizational and marketing sphere, starting with a sample of 81 corporate managers and executives of organizations or institutions who showed an enthusiastic collaboration.

Pages: 176

ISBN: 9788835108351

Edition: 1a edizione 2020

Publisher code: 1556.14

Availability: Esaurito

Pages: 176

ISBN: 9788835112204

Edizione:1a edizione 2020

Publisher code: 1556.14

Can print: No

Can Copy: No

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Format: PDF con DRM for Digital Editions

Info about e-books

Pages: 176

ISBN: 9788835112211

Edizione:1a edizione 2020

Publisher code: 1556.14

Can print: No

Can Copy: No

Can annotate:

Format: ePub con DRM for Digital Editions

Info about e-books

This book shows the results of a research on Diversity Management, as a result of a collaboration between CAFRE Interdepartmental Center for Updating, Training and Educational Research of the University of Pisa; Master in Empowerment of Different Skills and Inclusive Education of the University of Pisa; LINK Laboratory for Universities and Companies; Degree Course in Management Engineering at the University of Pisa. The aim of the research project is to investigate the issue of Diversity Management in the organizational and marketing sphere, starting with a sample of 81 corporate managers and executives of organizations or institutions who showed an enthusiastic collaboration. Coordinators and implementers of the research project are Serena Gianfaldoni and Caterina Greco.

Contributions of Donatella Armentano, Enrico Barbini, Samuele Bordini, Gian Marco Comparini, Leonardo Conti, Vittoria De Luca, Elena Della Maggiora, Luca Loiacono, Serena Gianfaldoni, Clarissa Giuliani, Caterina Greco, Jun Guang Zhang, Patrizia Magnante, Axel Nouazi Pacome, Biancamaria Nuzzi, Sara Petrucci, Valeria Picchianti, Mariachiara Pisacreta, Ursa Pondelek, Niccolò Rinaldi, Nunzio Rizzi, Adriana Russo, Niccolò Viale.

Serena Gianfaldoni teaches Human Resources Management at the Engineering School of the University of Pisa; CAFRE expert Interdisciplinary Center for Updating, Training and Educational Research of the University of Pisa; head of the LINK University-Business Laboratory; Board of the Italian Sociological Society; Director of the International Studies Observatory on the Mediterranean; author of numerous texts in the field of Human Resources Management and Communication.

Caterina Greco is a linguist and an expert in English literature. Together with Serena Gianfaldoni she coordinated the Diversity Management Project developed within the Master in Empowerment of Different Skills and Inclusive Education created by the CAFRE University of Pisa, Interdepartmental Centre of the University of Pisa which has been dealing with updating, training and educational research for the last twenty years.

Ursa Pondelek, Niccolò Rinaldi, Introduction
Section I. The Research
Serena Gianfaldoni, Caterina Greco, Companies, Organizations and Diversity Management. An Empirical Study
Section II. Case Studies
Niccolò Viale, Otherness and opportunities: a focus on Diversity Management
Gian Marco Comparini,
Diversity Management according to Marco Andreozzi
Sara Petrucci, Biancamaria Nuzzi, Diversity Management: when diversity is a value
Vittoria De Luca, We often talk about diversity
Enrico Barbini, Diversity in motorland
Jun Guang Zhang, Diversity Management: conditions and implementation
Valeria Picchianti, Diversity Management at Amer Yacht
Adriana Russo,
Diversity Management at Unicoop Firenze
Leonardo Conti,
Diversity Management at Onda Energia
Luca Loiacono,
Diversity Management at Nuovo Pignone-Baker Huges
Mariachiara Pisacreta,
Slaves who think they are free
Elena Della Maggiora,
The role of Diversity Management in the world of business: the comparison between two internationalized companies of different sizes
Clarissa Giuliani,
The state of being different: Diversity Management
Axel Nouazi Pacome, Report on Human Resources Management
Donatella Armentano,
Diversity Management: two experiences
Samuele Bordini,
Report: The Diversity Management
Nunzio Rizzi,
Diversity Management. A deeper understanding on the subject
Section III. Strategies
Patrizia Magnante, Diversity Management. The Comparison of some Engineering Students with Company Managers and Executives
The companies involved
The authors.

Contributors: Donatella Armentano, Enrico Barbini, Samuele Bordini, Gian Marco Comparini, Leonardo Conti, Vittoria De Luca, Elena Della Maggiora, Clarissa Giuliani, Jun Guang Zhang, Luca Loiacono, Patrizia Magnante, Axel Nouazi Pacome, Biancamaria Nuzzi, Sara Petrucci, Valeria Picchianti, Mariachiara Pisacreta, Ursa Pondelek, Niccolò Rinaldi, Nunzio Rizzi, Adriana Russo, Niccolò Viale

Serie: Sociologia professionale

Subjects: Gender Studies

Level: Scholarly Research

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