Gender Equality in Higher Education

Valeria Maione

Gender Equality in Higher Education

Miscellanea. Third European Conference. Genoa, 13-16 Aprile 2003

Pagine: 432

ISBN: 9788846470331

Edizione: 1a edizione 2005

Codice editore: 1820.114

Disponibilità: Limitata

The content of this publication is a selection of papers presented at the Third European Conference on Gender Equality in Higher Education held in Genoa in 2003, of which professor Maione was honoured to be the organisation chair.
This collection includes the essays of the participants who spontaneously agreed to let their contributions be published.
We believe that the reader will appreciate the scientific value of these contributions which show the different backgrounds and ways of working of the areas their authors come from, thus showing that the standards of high quality which we were aiming at when we organised the conference were reached in full.
We also hope that this publication may start a real debate on gender equality issues which probably lacked during the conference.

Valeria Maione is professor of Labour Economics and Statistics at the University of Genoa. She is also head of the Equal Opportunity Committee of the Region Liguria and was former head of the CPO (Committee for Equal Opportunities) of the University of Genoa. Valeria Maione has written essays on women issues in the labour market, among which: The female labour market in Italy from an historical perspective, in "Women in Management", 15-2002; Utilmente meravigliose. Donne manager all'Università, Bozzi Editore, Genova, 2001; Lavori che facilitano la doppia presenza: le albergatrici, FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2002; Lavoro DOC - Qualità del lavoro, qualità della vita, FrancoAngeli, 2004.

Valeria Maione, Preface
Neal B.Abraham, Meryl Altman, Transforming Institutional Culture: Programs Plus Policy
Barbara Bagilhole, One Step Forward and Two Ateps Back? A Case Study of a Strategy to Promote Gender Equality in a UK University and the Resistence in Encountered
Jim Barry, Elisabeth Berg, John Chandler, Gender and the Managerial Turn in Higher Education: Accounts from Female Academic in England and Sweden
Sharon Bell, Christine Hayward, Robyn Weekes, Strategies to Promote Gender Equity Case study: The University of Wollongong, Australia
Biondi Simone, Made and Female Students or a Psyche without a Body? Two Voice on the Path to Reaffirmation
Colleen Chesterman, Anne Ross-Smith, "Making a Demostrable Difference": Women Executives Efforts to Redefine Higher Education Management
Reghina Dasccl, Gender Studies in Romania: between Subversiveness and Conservatism
Melina Decaro, Women, the Economy and Power
Stefanie Ernst, The Construction of Gender and Leadership: Figurational Approaches to Organizational Development and Women in Transition
Martha Foschi, Gender and Double Standards in Competence Assessment
Evi Genetti, Sylwia Bukowska, On the Way to Gender Equality in Higher Education: Strategies and Experiences in Austria
Gabriele Griffin, The Impact of Women's Studies Training on Women's Employment in Europe: A Comparative Analysis
Joyce Hill, Facing the Challenge in UK Higher Education
Marianne Kriszio, Management by Objectives. Agreements on Targets on Targets between Universities and Faculties/Departments - Implementation of a New Instrument to achieve Gender Equality in German Universities
Inken Lind, Andrea Löther, Gender Differences in Science Careers and Interventions for Women in Higher Education in Gerany
Valeria Maione, Women's Careers in Higher Education in Italy
Simonetta Manfredi, Michelle Holliday, Work-Life Balance Issues in Higher Education: The Experience of Oxford Brookes University
Marlis F. Mirbach, Breaking the Glass Ceiling for Female Scientitists in the Max Planck Society: Strategies and Outcomes
Jenny Neale, David Mackay, Josie Roberts, Equity: Management and Practice
Jane Onsongo, Factors Affecting Women's Participation in University Management in Kenya
Reynaldo Gacho Segumpan, Women Empowerment and Work Performance in an Academie: How Are They With Men?
Felizitas Sagebiel, Attracting Women for Engineering. Interdisciplinary of Engineering Degree Courses in Mono-Educational versus Co-Educational Settings in Germanu
Judith Secker, Gender Equality: Positive Action at the University of Oxford
Nina Toren,The Persistence of Gender Inequality in Academia
Michelle Wallace, The Paradox and the Price: a Case Study of Female Academic Managers in an Australian Regional University
Glynis Watus, Strategic Repositioning to Achive Gender Equity in Programs Considered Non-Traditional for Women
Kate White, Surviving or Thriving in Academia: Women, Teaching, Research and Promotion in Australian Universities
Maya Widmer, Three Years of the Swiss Federal Gender Equality Programme for Universities: Facts & Figures
Jane Wood, Survivor to Assimilator: The Progressive Cycle in Women's and Gender Studies Students.

Contributi: Neal B. Abraham, Meryl Altman, Barbara Bagilhole, Jim Barry, Sharon Bell, Elisabeth Berg, Simone Biondi, Sylwia Bukowska, John Chandler, Colleen Chesterman, Reghina Dascal, Melina Decaro, Stefanie Ernst, Marta Foschi, Evy Genetti, Gabriele Griffin, Christine Hayward, Joyce Hill, Michelle Holliday, Marianne kriszio, Inken Lind, Andrea Lother, David Mackay, Simonetta Manfredi, Marlis F. Mirbach, Jenny Neale, Jane Onsongo, Josie Roberts, Anne Ross-Smith, Felizitas Sagebiel, Judith Secker, Reynaldo Gacho segumpan, Nina Toren, Michelle Wallace, Glynis Wattus, Robyn Weekes, Kate White, Maya Widmer, Jane Wood

Collana: Università: economia

Argomenti: Sociologia dell'educazione - Studi di genere

Livello: Studi, ricerche

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