Leaves and cigarettes: modelling the tobacco industry.

A cura di: Fabrizio Ferretti

Leaves and cigarettes: modelling the tobacco industry.

With applications to Italy and Greece

Pagine: 256

ISBN: 9788846471796

Edizione: 1a edizione 2006

Codice editore: 365.418

Disponibilità: Discreta

A vast literature analysed the tobacco industry in the past. However, most of the previous studies dealt with final demand or crop production. Instead, there are only a few works that examined the whole tobacco industry in general, and the Italian and Greece in particular.
This book aims to filling this gap: this contribution is even needed if we take into account that tobacco consumption is currently decreasing, but there is the possibility to grow tobacco for others purposes thanks to biotechnologies. In this context, quantitative models of the tobacco industry can be of great help for policy making.
To achieve this aim, the book is organized in three parts, which describe three different quantitative approaches: an econometric modelling approach, a linear programming approach and an Input - Output approach.
This book can be therefore of interest to both public policy makers, as well as academics and private investors, involved in the tobacco industry.

Fabrizio Ferretti received his Ph.D. from the University of Bologna. His is a lecturer of Economics at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia - Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Faculty of Biosciences and Biotechnologies. His current research within the Department of Social Sciences focuses on Agricultural and Environmental Economics.

Part I. D. Fantazzini, F. Ferretti, Agricultural Modelling: An Econometric Approach
Econometric Methods: A Guideline to a Rich Menu
(Introduction; Single Equation Structural Models; Multiple Equation Structural Models; Non-Structural Models; Review of Simultaneous Equations Estimation Methods)
Review of Macro - founded Models
(An Example of Agricultural Structural Model: The Tobacco Industry in the '70s; Macro-Econometric Models and Agricultural Market Liberalization: The Grain Industry in the late '90; Conclusions: Pros and Cons of the "Macro" Approach)
Review of Micro - founded Models
(Uncertainty and Risk: Von Neumann - Morgenstern Utility Theory; A Linear Mean-Variance Model under CARA Utility Functions: Dutch Arable Farms before 1992; A Non-Linear Mean-Variance Model under CRRA Utility Functions: Italian Arable Farms after 1992; Conclusions: Pros and Cons of the "Micro" Approach)
Review of Non-Structural (A-theoretical) Models
(Modelling Multivariate Conditional Means and Volatilities: Irish Grain Prices; Conclusions: Pros and Cons of the "A-Theoretical" Approach)
The Italian Tobacco Industry: Structural Aspects
(Introduction; The High Sector of the Tobacco Industry; The Low Sector of the Tobacco Industry; The "Separation" between the High Sector and the Low Sector)
The European Regulations: Past, Present and Future
(The Introduction of EU regulations: The 1970 Reform; The Current Regulation: The 1992-1998 Reforms; The Future of the EU Regulation: the 2003 Reform)
An Empirical Analysis with Italian Tobacco Data
(A Nacro-founded Model; A Micro-founded ;odel; A Non-Structural Model; Conclusions)
Part II. F. Arfini, M. Donati, D. Menozzi, Agricultural Modelling: A Positive Mathematical Programming Approach
Analysis of the CMO for Tobacco: from Reg. 2075/92 to the 2002 Review
(Objectives of the CMO for Tobacco; Tobacco CMO Instruments currently in force)
Tobacco Production in Italy
A PMP farm model to evaluate the Tobacco CMO Reform
(The Estimation of Marginal Costs for the Processes Implemented; Estimation of the Cost Function; Model Calibration and the Simulation Procedure)
The Scenarios of the Tobacco CMO Reform tested by Fram Model
(Scenarios for the Reform Proposal on March 2004; Scenarios for the Reform Proposal on April 2004)
Impact of the Tobacco CMO Reform by Farm Model
(Impact of March 2004 Reform Proposal; Impact of April 2004 Reform Proposal; The Contradiction between the Reduction in Aid and the Contribution to the "Tobacco Fund")
The Impact Analysis of Tobacco CMO Reform by Regional Model
(The Regional PMP Model; The Information used; The Simulation Phase; MTR Policy Constraints; Agicultural Policy Scenarios concerning the Tobacco CMO Reform; The Results of the Application of the Regional Model; Some Considerations on the Regional Model)
Occupational Considerations
(Agricultural Phase; Processing Phase; Effects on Employment)
Part III. K. Mattas, E. Loizou, S. Rozakis, V. Tzouvelekas, Agricultural Modelling: An Input - Output Approach
The Tobacco Sector Overview
(Production; Economic Significance of Tobacco; Social Contribution of Tobacco)
The Regional Dimension of Tobacco, AMT Region
(Regional Role of Tobacco)
Objectives of the Study and Tobacco COM Reform Scenarios
Applied Methodology and Data
(Input-Output Analysis; The Agricultural Sector Model)
Description of the Greek FADN Sample
Empirical Results
(Input-Output Multipliers; Option A; Option B; Option C; Option D; Option D1; Option E; Option E1; Comparative Results)
Summary and Main Conclusions

Contributi: Filippo Arfini, Dean Fantazzini, Konstadinos Mattas

Collana: Economia - Ricerche

Argomenti: Economia agro-alimentare

Livello: Studi, ricerche

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