Money on line eu 2006

Fti-Forum per la Tecnologia dell'Informazione

A cura di: Giorgio Pacifici, Pieraugusto Pozzi

Money on line eu 2006

The European scenario of digital payment systems and smart cards

Pagine: 240

ISBN: 9788846474872

Edizione: 1a edizione 2006

Codice editore: 571.2.10

Disponibilità: Discreta

The digital payment system represents just a part of the world payment system, but it is certainly the part which has undergone major change as a result of evolving technological, social and economic conditions. Like the global payment system universe, the digital payment system can also be represented as “an expanding universe”, as there is a continuous marked growth in the number and value of transactions. However the growing number of electronic transactions, more and more of which are international, and the rise in their total value, are capturing increased attention and interest by operators and newcomers who were previously outside the field.
The evolution of such global networks calls for new technologies offering increasing efficiency and security, convenience and value creation, consumer empowerment and greater transparency in fees application, and it also calls for standardization and regulation. Considering the regulatory frameworks of this scenario, the introduction of the single European currency and the role of the European Central Bank were two basic milestones. Now, the SEPA (Single European Payment Area) Framework, approved by the European Payments Council in September 2005, represents for the entire industry of payments the most important guidelines for forecasting the evolution of the payment cards sector over the next few years. Analyzing these trends is what the Forum per la Tecnologia dell’Informazione and the SSB Group aimed to do, by updating the first edition (2004) of the European Observatory on electronic cards and payment systems. Many international authors and institutions were asked to contribute to this new report with their own papers.

Giorgio Pacifici is a sociologist of political and economical phenomena and has dealt with the implications of technology on contemporary society and social change. Director of research branches of ICT companies, he has held the position of Technology Advisor for different Ministries. He has held professorship in European and American universities.

Pieraugusto Pozzi has a full degree in Electronic Engineering and has been involved in international R&D activities. He is the director of Forum per la Tecnologia dell’Informazione (FTI) and is the author of papers and essays regarding e-commerce, smart cards, ICT security. He presently holds professorship at the University of Perugia.

Gian Bruno Mazzi, The European vision for digital payment systems – Introduction
Giorgio Pacifici, Pieraugusto Pozzi, Old and new players in e-payments and summary of the Report
Part One. The evolutionary scenario in Europe
Thomas Lammer, Daniela Umstaetter, Card payments and innovative payment systems in Austria
Massimo Doria, Veronica Fucile, Innovations in payment systems: European and Italian regulatory frameworks
Paola Masi, Luigi Sciuscio, The role of standardisation in the European retail payments market
Rui Filipe Pimentel, Electronic payments in Portugal. Present scenario versus SEPA
Sergio Gorjón, Cristina Rosselló, Payment instruments and innovation: a new challenge for overseers. The case of Spain
Pierfrancesco Gaggi, The perspectives of the European digital peyment systems
Part Two. The European market and the global players
Fabrizio Canedoli, Changing the payments environment: towards new perspectives in financial services
Visa, Global Insight, The virtuous circle: electronic payments and economic growth
MasterCard International, Masterinsights – Europe’s borderless economy
JCB, ICB position and activities in the new technology area
Francesco Fiandra Giorgio Porazzi, Susan Schuurman, Enrico Sponza, Mobile payments: ready for take-off?
Randy Vanderhoof, Mobile payments at the physical point-of-sale: North America, Asia Pacific and EMEA implementations
Giancarlo Scaini, Steming payment cards frauds
Part Three. E-money opportunities and applications in Europe
Nicola Cordone, E-payments in Europe: the processors are evolving
Antares Gryczan,, Short history of the Polish payment card market, that really differs from mature western markets
Bas Peeters, Peter Potgieser, Evolution towards an open market for domestic debit cards in Netherlands
Gianluigi Rocca, Prepaid solutions now open for business
VRL Publishing, The prepaid cards revolution
Alessandro Zollo, Banks flying high on Internet
Part Four. FTI Chartaforum Italia data about digital payment systems
Manuela De Lorenzo, Evolution of payment instruments in Europe
Payment cards in Europe
EMV Migration
The global and European market of smart cards
ACB/ePSO, Annex: ECB and ePSO e-payment basic concepts and terms
Analytical Index.

Contributi: Gian Bruno Mazzi, Thomas Lammer, Daniela Umstaetter, Massimo Doria, Veronica Fucile, Paola Masi, Luigi Sciusco, Rui Filipe Pimentel, Sergio Gorjòn, Cristina Rossellò, Pierfrancesco Gaggi, Fabrizio Canedoli, Francesco Fiandra, Giorgio Porazzi, Susan Schuurman, Enrico Sponza, Randy Vanderhoof, Giancarlo Scaini, Nicola Cordone, Antares Gryczan, Centrum kart, Bas Peeters, Peter Potgieser, Gianluigi Rocca, Alessandro Zollo, Manuela De Lorenzo

Collana: FTI - Forum per la tecnologia dell'informazione

Argomenti: Economia degli intermediari finanziari

Livello: Studi, ricerche

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