
Fti-Forum per la Tecnologia dell'Informazione

A cura di: Giorgio Pacifici, Pieraugusto Pozzi

Digital payment systems and smart cards

Pagine: 160

ISBN: 9788846462305

Edizione: 1a edizione 2004

Codice editore: 571.2.9

Disponibilità: Discreta

During the last few years, the ICT applications have assumed an increasing importance in the banking and financial systems, concurring to the new automated payment systems offered to the customers, both corporate and retail. New services and new technologies that make more and more articulated the global competition scenario of the banking system, just in time with the Euro integration process. Firstly the electronic cards and now the smart cards, particularly interesting for their own capability to increase the performances and the security of the transactions, are more and more spread all over Europe, as well as the POS and ATM terminals.
Billions of transactions have then to be processed electronically inside the acquiring and banking networks in order to allow this new digital scenario and the arrival of Internet, the first "networked market" is continously moving on the innovation boundary. Internet banking applications are more and more appreciated and used by corporate and retail clients and the electronic commerce is a common practice, as well as the mobile commerce is growing up. And the ICT technology can support a flexible and quick development and usage of new cards (prepaid and contactless, for example) and systems (digital cash).
In order to depict the evolutionary path that is currently going on, the "Forum per la Tecnologia dell'Informazione" supported by the SSB Group, decided to enlarge their Italian activity of reporting on the electronic cards and payment systems to the European level to better accomplish the target of building a European electronic payment system, an ambitious objective that has already collected the consensus of the European banking associations, of the central banks and of the main European banks, that are strengthening their cooperation mechanisms.
All these topics are resumed and developped inside this publication, that can be considered a useful knowledge tool delivered to the banking and financial world, to the enterprises, to the public opinion and to the institutions.

Giorgio Pacifici , sociologist of political and economical phenomena, he dealt with the implications of technology on contemporary society and social change and he has been also professor in European and American universities. Director of research branches of ICT private companies, he was also Technology Advisor for different Ministries. He published articles and essays concerning the socio-economical problems of ICT and socio-political problems.

Pieraugusto Pozzi , full degree in Electronic Engineering, has been involved in R&D international activities. Director of Forum per la Tecnologia dell'Informazione (FTI), author of papers and essays about E-commerce, smart cards, ICT security, he is contract professor at the University of Perugia.

Gian Bruno Mazzi , Introduction - The evolutionary and integration path of electronic payment system
Part I. The evolutionary scenario in Europe and worldwide
Giorgio Pacifici , Smart Car, e-payments and social groups. A key to the European smart community
Paola Masi, Bank of Italy , The evolution of electronic payment system and instruments
Anna Omarini, Bocconi University , The evolution of electronic money
Samuele Villa, CIRSFID , The legislation regulating Electronic Money and Electronic Payment System
Part II. E-money opportunities and applications
Luigi Blasi, Gianluigi Rocca, SSB , The new challenges for the financial world in the retails payments sector
Nicola Cordone, SiNSYS , The new challenges for the financial world in the retail payments sector
SiNSYS: the birth of the new pan-European reality in card processing
Banksys , Innovation serving the customer
Interpay , Reflections on the steps in a purchase process
Antonella Vanara, SSB , E-payments and security: a challenge still open today
Sergio Crivelli, Sergio Tabanelli, Actalis , Has our digital identity been cloned?
Alessandro Zollo, ABI , e-Committee: an engine for banking innovation in the field of Information & Communication Technology
Francesco Orlandini, TSP , Multi-service applications and urban mobility
Part III. FTI-Chartaforum Italia data on the diffusion of smart carts in Europe, Italy and worldwide
Manuela De Lorenzo, FTI , The global and European market of smart cards
Evolution of payments instruments in Europe
Payment cards in Europe
EMV Migration
Analytical Index.

Contributi: Luigi Blasi, Nicola Cordone, Sergio Crivelli, Manuela De Lorenzo, Paola Masi, Gian Bruno Mazzi, Anna Omarini, Francesco Orlandini, Gianluigi Rocca, Sergio Tabanelli, Antonella Vanara, Samuele Villa, Alessandro Zollo

Collana: FTI - Forum per la tecnologia dell'informazione

Argomenti: Economia degli intermediari finanziari

Livello: Studi, ricerche

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