Multinationals and Local Competitiveness

A cura di: Lucia Piscitello, Grazia D. Santangelo

Multinationals and Local Competitiveness

The book offers an overview of the economic research dealing with the process of firms’ internationalisation and the impact of multinationals’ activity on local competitiveness, by presenting a set of theoretical and empirical contributions characterised by high methodological rigour and scientific excellence. This volume is the fifth of an ongoing series that aims at handing down to the readers the wealth of theoretical and empirical contributions stemming from DIG Lunch Seminars.

Pagine: 224

ISBN: 9788856802641

Edizione: 1a edizione 2008

Codice editore: 380.351

Disponibilità: Discreta

A large stream of studies has increasingly focused on positive spillovers and linkages that multinationals develop with local actors. However, negative effects might also arise when multinationals monopolise local markets, and displace domestic production. Less attention has been devoted to the home country's side of the story. Investments abroad may be a source of opportunities for enhancing competitiveness by allowing multinationals to overcome the weaknesses of their home innovation system as well as to search and pick up unexpected chances for new knowledge exploration. At the same time, multinationals' activities abroad may impact on the composition of the labour force at home.
The chapters of the book offer an overview of the economic research dealing with the process of firms' internationalisation and the impact of multinationals' activity on local competitiveness, by presenting a set of theoretical and empirical contributions characterised by high methodological rigour and scientific excellence. Some of the chapters were based on works presented during the Lunch Seminars organised by the Dipartimento di Ingegneria Gestionale (DIG) of Politecnico di Milano, and benefited from comments and suggestions from the participants.
This volume is the fifth of an ongoing series that aims at handing down to the readers the wealth of theoretical and empirical contributions stemming from DIG Lunch Seminars.

Lucia Piscitello is Professor of International Institutions and Regulation at Politecnico di Milano. Her research interests concern direct and indirect effects of FDI on the host and the home country, the relationship between internationalisation and skill upgrading, the location of R&D activities by MNCs, the internationalisation of SMEs, clusters and industrial districts, knowledge transfer and technological catching up through FDI.
Grazia D. Santangelo is Professor of Economics at the University of Catania. Her research interest concerns corporate geography and specialisation of technological development in high-tech industries, inter-firm technological development, innovation and labour organisational practises, the dynamics of ICT industry in Europe. In her most recent work, she has also explored the activity of MNCs in the regional dimension within the European context.

Lucia Piscitello, Grazia D. Santangelo, Introduction
Part I. Firms' Internationalisation Choices
Luigi Benfratello, Tiziano Razzolini, Firms' Productivity And Internationalisation Choice: Evidence for a Large Sample of Italian Firms
(Introduction; Firms' heterogeneity internationalisation modes: theory and empirical evidence; Data Overrview; TFP estimation and unconditional comparison; Multinomial equations. The effect of productivity and other covariates on firms' choices; Final remarks; Appendix)
Francesco Serti, Chiara Tomasi, Firm Heterogeneity: Do Destinations of Exports and Origins of Imports Matter?
(Introduction; Data Description; Measuring traders premia; Market heterogeneity; Concluding Remarks; Appendix)
Part II. Spatial Aspects and Spillovers of MNEs Activities
Nicoletta Tessieri, MNEs and Local Clusters: Some Results for the Health Industry
(Introduction; Background literature; The units of investigation; The Methodological framework; Indications of cluster effects; Final considerations)
Alessandro Albanese, Marcella Nicolini, Lucia Piscitello, Spillovers from Foreign MNEs in Service Sectors. The Impact on Local Competitiveness
(Introduction; Related Literature; The empirical investigation; Results and Conclusions; Appendix)
Cristina Rossi Lamastra, How do Regions Change from Inert to Active? The Role of Knowledge Spillovers from Foreign MNEs
(Introduction; The internationalism of production by the Italian provinces; The determinants of the international growth at the local level; The econometric analysis: variables and models; Results and conclusions; Appendix)
Part III. Impact of Outward FDI of the Home Country
Larissa Rabbiosi, The Impact of Reverse Knowledge Transfer on the Parent Company's Innovativeness. Which Role for Organizational Mechanisms and Subsidiary's Characteristics?
(Introduction; Theory and hypotheses; Research design; Econometric analysis; Discussion; Conclusions; Appendix)
Stefano Elia, Ilaria Mariotti, Lucia Piscitello, Outward Investment and Skill Upgrading. Evidence from the Italian Case
(Introduction; The effects of outward FDI on domestic employment; The model and the methodology; Data and descriptive statistics; Results; Conclusions)
Scientific Committee
The Authors.

Contributi: Alessandro Albanese, Luigi Benfratello, Stefano Elia, Ilaria Mariotti, Marcella Nicolini, Larissa Rabbiosi, Tiziano Razzolini, Cristina Rossi Lamastra, Francesco Serti, Nicoletta Tessieri, Chiara Tomasi

Collana: Economia e politica industriale

Argomenti: Economia industriale

Livello: Studi, ricerche

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