A cura di: Michael J. Keane, Daniele Rama
Production costs for milk in European countries
Pagine: 288
ISBN: 9788820479626
Edizione: 1a edizione 1993
Codice editore: 1610.7
Disponibilità: Nulla
A cura di: Michael J. Keane, Daniele Rama
Pagine: 288
ISBN: 9788820479626
Edizione: 1a edizione 1993
Codice editore: 1610.7
Disponibilità: Nulla
The book contains the contributions of a team of agricultural economists concerning milk production costs in Europe.
The analysis covers nine EC countries - namely Ireland, United Kingdom, Denmark, Netherlands, Germany, France, Portugal and Italy - and Poland as a meaningful example of an East European milk producing country.
The estimates of production cost have been used by agricultural economists and policymakers for different purposes: as mesures of productivity, to provide guidelines for farm operators and in setting target prices.
Especially in recent years, the increasing interest in international competitineness gives new reasons for production cost comparisons.
Due to eterogeity in methodology and in data sources, a rigorous comparison of production cost is difficult.
Therefore, even though the book gives valuable information about cost level and structure, emphasis is put on two main topics: links between farm structure, milk utliization and production cost; data sources, cost concepts, underlying hypotesis and methodological issues.
Contributi: Georges Benoit, George Bublot, Jean Christophe Bureau, Jean Pierre Butault, Pierre Dackweiler, Klaus Drescher, Bart Eleveld, Gerard W.J. Giesen, Denis Hairy, Ian H. Hassard, Christian Holsten, Bendan Kearney, Alan W. Kirke, Fernando Lopes, Oswin Maurer, Piero Nasuelli, Bo Degnbol Nielsen, Roberto Pretolani, Jean Marc Rousselle, Bertrand Schmitt, Michal Sznajeder
Collana: Studi di economia agroalimentare, Smea
Argomenti: Economia agro-alimentare
Livello: Studi, ricerche
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