A cura di: Luigi Spinelli
Spaces of Memory
Commentaries on 21st Century Buildings
In the form of an anthology of critical texts focused on the work of a selection of contemporary architects, this volume was conceived as an occasion to raise some questions about the relationship with the past. The selected works refer to the many and etherogeneous protagonists of international architecture who have lectured within the MantovArchitettura programme, a cultural project organized by the University to foster the exploration of the relationships between Architectural Design and History.
Pagine: 380
ISBN: 9788891799432
Edizione: 1a edizione 2020
Codice editore: 70.7
Disponibilità: Discreta
Pagine: 380
ISBN: 9788835103264
Edizione:1a edizione 2020
Codice editore: 70.7
Possibilità di stampa: No
Possibilità di copia: No
Possibilità di annotazione: Sì
Formato: PDF con DRM per Digital Editions