Technology and communication for a new humanitarian intervention

A cura di: Laura Elena Pacifici, Flavia Riccardo

Technology and communication for a new humanitarian intervention

Experimenting the website Cholera Cafè

Pagine: 240

ISBN: 9788846486530

Edizione: 1a edizione 2007

Codice editore: 571.4.6

Disponibilità: Discreta

Technology and communication for a new humanitarian intervention. Experimenting the website Cholera Cafè analyses the evolution in humanitarian assistance stressing the importance of a multidisciplinary and polyvalent approach to health, underlying the primary role played by Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in aiding the knowledge exchange and the continuous interaction between professionals working in different international scenarios. The authors will then lead the reader through the Cholera Cafè experiment, a pilot website for practitioners deployed in international relief and development projects whether by NGOs or International Organizations.

"Bridging the humanitarian information gap: this is the mission of the website Cholera Cafè that is presented in this book, and it is certainly one of the primary objectives to achieve in order to build those virtual infrastructures that are giving a new meaning to the construction of Cooperation and to the defence of the right to health in every part of the world."
(Luigi Nicolais, Italian Minister for Reform and Innovation in the Public Administration)

"The use of Information and Communication Technology to fight disease and poverty is a challenging goal. Through its potential to improve access to services, information sharing and job opportunities, ICT has become an essential tool for the achievement of development goals. This book provides an articulate compendium to the understanding of the multilayered and dynamic knowledge background required of a humanitarian operator."
(Vincenzo Vullo, Director of the Department of Infectious and Tropical Diseases, University of Rome La Sapienza)

Laura E. Pacifici, Public Health and Emergency physician, leads the Office for International Health Cooperation and Development of the Italian Red Cross (ItRC). She teaches Epidemiology and Public Health in the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Rome La Sapienza and International Humanitarian Law in the Italian Red Cross.

Flavia Riccardo, Infectious Disease physician and PhD researcher, has worked in health projects in Africa and South Asia and collaborates with the Office for International Health Cooperation and Development of the ItRC. Among her research projects, she has set up with Laura Pacifici a pilot website called Cholera Cafè.

Luigi Nicolais, Foreword
Laura E. Pacifici, Flavia Riccardo, Introduction
Laura E. Pacifici, Flavia Riccardo, How to use this book
Part One. The evaluation of communication in humanitarian assistance
Gianstefano Spoto, Technology and communication: the evolution of an instrument for international humanitarian crisis management
Elena Scaroni, To communicate Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law
Letizia Zamparelli, Non Governmental Organizations and International Organization Visibility
Lorenzo Nardi, Elena Scaroni, The growing role of ICT as a tool for international sustainable development
Giovanni Caracci, Luca Casertano, Health Accountability
Part Two. The polyvalent approach to health
Laura E. Pacifici, A new model of international cooperation for global health
Mario Braga, Public Health in development and emergency projects
Antonella G. De Rosa, Michelangelo Rossi, Psychological Support
Antonella G. De Rosa, Alberto Scaroni, Personal History Forms
Antonella G. De Rosa, Fear of Infectiuos Diseases;
Flavia Riccardo, Infectiuos Diseases
Elena Scaroni, IHR: International Health Regulations
Part Three. Evolving humanitarian assistance: multidisciplinarity
Robin Philipp, The Anthropology of Humanitarian Aid: all the unwritten rules
Daniela Raggetti, Informations and communications technologies (ICTs) as enablers for economic development and poverty reduction
Maria L. De Sario, Emergency Systems and ICT
Ugo G. Pacifici Noja, From human rights to humanitarian law. A concept in evolution and many knots to untie
Elena Scaroni, Humanitarian Accountability
Mario Quinto, Humanitarian Mediation, International Corporation and New Technologies
Part Four. A multimedial response to humanitarian assitance needs
Flavia Riccardo, Towards a Humanitarian Assistance Community
Flavia Riccardo, Web site structure
Laura E. Pacifici, In search for a new model of public health
Vincenzo Vullo, Closing notes
Technical and statistical annexes
Flavia Riccardo, What are we talking about? (basic ICT concepts)
Focus on economy
Focus on education
Focus on life statistics
Focus on health
Focus on Internally Displaced People and Refugees
Focus on nutrition
Focus on UN Millennium Development Goals
Analytical Index.

Contributi: Luigi Nicolais, Gian Stefano Spoto, Elena Scaroni, Letizia Zamparelli, Lorenzo Nardi, Giovanni Caracci, Luca Casertano, Mario Braga, Antonella De Rosa, Michelangelo Rossi, Alberto Scaroni, Robin Philipp, Daniela Raggetti, Maria L. De Sario, Ugo G. Pacifici Noja, Mario Quinto, Vincenzo Vullo

Collana: FTI - Forum per la tecnologia dell'informazione

Argomenti: Gestione della sanità - Management sanitario

Livello: Studi, ricerche

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