A cura di: Daniele Rama, Renato Pieri
The European dairy industry: Consumption changes, vertical relations and firm strategies
Pagine: 256
ISBN: 9788820493028
Edizione: 1a edizione 1995
Codice editore: 1610.9
Disponibilità: Nulla
A cura di: Daniele Rama, Renato Pieri
Pagine: 256
ISBN: 9788820493028
Edizione: 1a edizione 1995
Codice editore: 1610.9
Disponibilità: Nulla
This book is published with the financial support of the European Commission, within the framework of a research project aiming at the analysis of the factors directly or indirectly affecting the level of demand for dairy products. With this purpose, the study covers the evolution of consumers tastes, the concentration process in the food retail, the changing structure and strategies of the dairy industry and the extent of the vertical competition between producers-processors and retailers in the more important European milk producing countries.
More than others, three aspects seem to have an increasing importance in the present market competition. The first one regards the non-price strategies adopted by the firms. The European dairy companies seek competitive advantages both through product differentiation, leading to market segmentation, and strong investments in research and development. These strategies have important consequences on the firm's performances and on the consumption evolution, especially the demand for variety.
Consumer tastes and performances are also influenced by exogenous factors, as those induced by the revenue growth. When the revenue is increasing, the demand shifts toward higher quality products, more variety and specific characteristics as health and nutritional properties. Even the evolution of the demographic structure, leading to major changes in the relative importance of different population groups, contributes to the transformation of the competitive conditions in the European markets.
The third important aspect concerns the intensification of the vertical competition between producer and retailer brands, and more generally the impact of the competitive strategies adopted by the modern retail sector on the structure of producers and their strategies.
Daniele Rama, MSc in Agribusiness at the Institut Agronomique Méditérranéen, Montpellier, France, is Associate Professor at the Department of Agricultural and Food Economics, Catholic University, Piacenza and member of the research staff of the Osservatorio sul Mercato dei Prodotti Lattiero-caseari, Cremona. His scientific activity is mainly focused on the quantitative analysis of agricultural markets, the agricultural policy and the agricultural marketing.
Renato Pieri, MSc in Agricultural Economics at the University of Guelph, Canada, is Professor at the Department of Agricultural and Food Economics, Catholic University, Piacenza and director of the Osservatorio sul Mercato dei Prodotti Lattiero-caseari, Cremona. His main research areas are the econometric analysis of agricultural markets and the structural analysis applied to the main sectors of the agro-food system.
Collana: Studi di economia agroalimentare, Smea
Argomenti: Economia agro-alimentare
Livello: Studi, ricerche
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