Theory and practice of economic policy.

A cura di: Piero Bini, Gianfranco Tusset

Theory and practice of economic policy.

Tradition and change. Selected Papers from the 9th Aispe Conference

This volume contains twenty papers presented at the IX AISPE Conference. The conference examined the theory and practice of “economic policy” during the 20th century, focusing on both historical aspects and present experiences. Although already introduced by the mercantilist doctrines and classical theories, during the past century economic policy acquired the full status of a discipline endowed with its own theoretical corpus and a wide range of applications.

Pagine: 438

ISBN: 9788856813982

Edizione: 1a edizione 2008

Codice editore: 363.75

Disponibilità: Discreta

Pagine: 438

ISBN: 9788856808889

Edizione:1a edizione 2008

Codice editore: 363.75

Possibilità di stampa: No

Possibilità di copia: No

Possibilità di annotazione:

Formato: PDF con DRM per Digital Editions

Informazioni sugli e-book

This volume contains twenty papers presented at the IX AISPE Conference, which was held in June 2006 at the University of Padua, Faculty of Political Science. The conference examined the theory and practice of "economic policy", focusing on both historical aspects and present experiences.
The volume divides into six sections. The first, "State and Market in the History of Economic Thought", deals with two classic themes: 1) the notions of 'government' and 'institutions' espoused by the main schools of thought; 2) the intertwined relations among government, market and anti-trust agencies. These two broad surveys also serve to introduce the following five thematic sections. The first of them is entitled "Economic Policy and Knowledge", given the salience which the articles in the section give to the various types of knowledge presumed by economic theories.
Examination then moves to the 'great themes' of economic policy. The third section, entitled "Distribution and Poverty", reprises an issue addressed traditionally by public policies, from antiquity until the present day, and which concerns both redistribution within individual countries and the dynamics among groups of countries at different stages of development. The fourth section, "Monetary Policy and Banking", briefly reconstructs some features of the American and Italian banking systems, and then dwells on the monetary policy theory which gave rise to the 'monetary circuit approach'. The fifth section, entitled "Wage Policy", treats aspects concerning the reception in Italy of Walras' mathematical applications to economics and the wage laws in the late nineteenth century, and considers the recent debate on wages, policy and full employment. Finally, the sixth section - "Current Issues" - deals with topics central to the current theoretical and political debate: from the interweaving between 'new' economic theory and 'new' economic policies, through innovation polices, current 'third-way' schemes, fiscal and budgetary public decisions in the United States during the Clinton administration, to reflection on the international coordination of economic policies.

Piero Bini, Gianfranco Tusset, Foreword
Part I. State and Market in the History of Economic Thought
Steven Medema, Harnessing Self-Interest: Market and State in the History of Economic Thought
Michele Grillo, The Theory and Practice of Antitrust: A Perspective in the History of Economic Ideas
Part II. Economic Policy and Knowledge
Maria Pia Paganelli, The Adam Smith Problem in Reverse: Self-Interest in The Wealth of Nations and The Theory of Moral Sentiments
Michele Cangiani, The Institutional Paradigm and the Relevance of Knowledge
Paolo Ramazzotti, Public Policy, Embeddedness and the Double Movement
Marco Rangone, Practical Knowledge and Economic Policy: An Institutional Perspective
Mario Pomini, From the General Equilibrium Dynamics to the Political Economy: the Influence of the Austrian Tradition on Eraldo Fossati
Part III. Distribution and Poverty
Ruggero Paladini, Alfredo Rinaldi Baccelli, From "Necessaries" and "Superfluities" to the Utility Function: The Problem of Distribution in the History of Economic Thought
Stefano Solari, The Dawn of the Third Way: the Impact of Neo-Thomistic Thought on Political Economy
Andreas Exenberger, From Ignorance to Helplessness. The Position of Economic Policy towards Hunger during the 19 th and 20 th Century
Part IV. Monetary Policy and Banking
Sebastiano Nerozzi, Between Harvard and Chicago: Jacob Viner and the New Deal Banking Reforms (1933-1935)
Paola Parravicini, Controlling the Banking System in Italy
Sergio Rossi, Money, Credit, and Income Distribution: A Monetary Circuit Analysis
Part V. Wage Policies
Alfredo Sensales, The Paduan Series of the "Journal of the Economists" (1876/1877): Léon Walras' Mathematical Applications and the Wage Laws
Tiziano Cavalieri, Pierangelo Garegnani, Mary Lucii, Full Employment and the Left
Part VI. Current Issues
Helena Marques, The "New" Economic Theories
Ángel Rodríguez García-Brazales, Jorge Turmo Arnal, Óscar Vara Crespo, Innovation, Growth and Innovation Policies: Economic Theory at the Crossroad
Flavio Romano, Clinton & Blair: The Economics of the Third Way
Davide Gualerzi, The "Clinton Boom": On the Effectiveness of Macro Policies
Gianfranco Tusset, 'Government Rationality' and International Economic Policy Coordination.

Contributi: Michele Cangiani, Tiziano Cavalieri, Andreas Exenberger, Angel Rodriguez Garcia-Brazales, Piergangelo Garegnani, Michele Grillo, Davide Gualerzi, Mary Lucii, Helena Marques, Steven Medema, Sebastiano Nerozzi, Maria Pia Paganelli, Ruggero Paladini, Paola Parravicini, Mario Pomini, Paolo Ramazzotti, Marco Rangone, Alfredo Rinaldi Baccelli, Flavio Romano, Sergio Rossi, Alfredo Sensales, Stefano Solari, Jorge Turmo Arnal, Oscar Vara Crespo

Collana: Economia - Teoria economica - Pensiero economico

Argomenti: Storia del pensiero economico

Livello: Studi, ricerche

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