Training and Continuous Learning


Training and Continuous Learning

Contributions on the organisational, social and technological dimensions of learning

Pagine: 240

ISBN: 9788820487669

Edizione: 1a edizione 1997

Codice editore: 830.66

Disponibilità: Fuori catalogo

From pedagogical ideal to social necessity: this is probably the most appropriate frame for understanding both the current widespread inter-est in continuous learning and the decision of the European Union to proclaim 1996 as Year of Lifelong Learning. Learning and consciously cultivating lifelong learning abilities have become essential today for everyone's development and, in many cases, for survival in terms of social and productive integration. The on-going evolution of work systems and life patterns requires continuous up-dating of the formal knowledge possessed by individuals as well as the valorisation of their experience-related knowledge and skills which are embedded in work routines, problem-solving, and interaction with others in shared contexts. For this reason, the individual features of learning are inextricably intertwined with organisational and economic factors: people's cognitive and cultural development can only occur if work life is experi-enced within non-beaurocratic structures, oriented towards quality and improvement practices and towards the implementation of information technologies which foster cooperative endeavor. Likewise, in the context of local development projects, network structures should be set up so as to assure learning synergies among individuals, institutions and communities.

This volume brings together a selection of diverse contributions, all presented during two significant forums of the Eurotecnet Community program which were held in Italy. As a whole, the collection deals with the fundamental role of training in relation to the social dynamics mentioned above, and by proposing a more evolutionary perspective than that encountered in traditional models, the book helps come to grips with the necessity of facilitating continuous learning processes assumed in their full complexity.

M. Tomassini, Introduction - Dimensions of Continuous Learning - Part I - Community Policies and Development Perspectives on Continuous Learning - J. Horgan, Ten Years of Community Policies for Vocational Training - P. D'Aloja, Community Training and Education Programmes: New Directions - P. Dini, The Regions and the Innovation of Vocational Training - R. Segre, The Commission's Commitment to Research and Experimentation - P. Caspar, Changes in Training in Relation to Development Policies and Social Policies - T. Stahl, Towards the Learning Region. A Regional Approach to Structural Improvement in Europe - G. Bertini, Three Approaches to Learning in Enterprises - Part II - New Methodologies for Continuous Learning - M. Pearn, Tools for a Learning Organisation - J. Koch, The Learning Tasks Method: A Type of Continuing Training in Germany - M. Bogetti, S. Garbellano, A. Pia, Coaching - G. De Man, "Training of Trainers in Europe": A New Transnational Project - Part III - An Emerging Context of Continuous Learning: Groupware - P. Cicchella, Groupware, Learning, Training - D. Nicolini, Organisational Learning: Discovering the Dynamics of Cognition in Organisations, for the Development of Groupware Systems - F. Rebuffo, Organisational Processes, Learning and Technologies of Cognition - C. Simone, Groupware Training: A New Challenge - D. Biolghini, Cooperative Environments for the Acquisition of Planning Skills - M. Cengarle, Cooperation and Learning. The Use of Simulation Games in Managerial and Entrepreneurial Training.

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