Urban Sprawl in France (1950-2000)

Marianne Guerois, Denise Pumain

Urban Sprawl in France (1950-2000)

Pagine: 112

ISBN: 9788846433701

Edizione: 1a edizione 2002

Codice editore: 1561.56

Disponibilità: Discreta

Urban sprawl is an intrinsic dimension of urbanization, which underlies the processes of spatial diffusion occurring in most developed countries.

As modern cities become more complex also the phenomena of urban sprawl become increasingly faceted and diversified. One major aspect of novelty in the current trends is that sprawl does not only affect the use of land but has also an impact on the social, functional and economic spheres of urban life. It may also extend on different spatial levels, affecting not only cities and their surrounding areas but also whole metropolitan regions.

Although the phenomena of urban sprawl are specific of the urbanization and policy history of each country, in all situations, there is a mounting evidence that their consequences bear increasing economic, social and environmental costs which are major issues for the sustainability of our cities.

The French case can be taken as representative of a medium situation in Europe. The development of urban sprawl in this country can be considered in an intermediary position between the kind of spatial diffusion process occurring in the Northern and Southern Europe. It can also be representative of European collective representations, which appreciate a combination of the advantages of compact cities and those of more dispersed settlements.

Marianne Guérois is preparing a Ph-D of Geography on the shape of European cities at University Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne. She is also teaching assistant at University Paris VII.

Denise Pumain is professor at University Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne and Director of Cybergeo , European Journal of Geography . Chair of the Commission on Urban Development and Urban Life of the International Geographical Union, specialised in urban modelling and theoretical geography, she has written several books on System of cities in France and Europe. She is director of the series Villes published by Anthropos.


Sylvie Occelli , Foreword


(Urban Sprawl in France: Facts and Process; The Measurement of Urban Growth; Spatial Trends in the Evolution of Urban Population; Interurban Trend: A Growing Concentration; Local Trends: Urban Sprawl; Slowing of Growth in Outer Rings and Revival of Urban Centres; Diversity of Forms of Urban Sprawl; Population and Jobs: Time Lags and Spatial Mismatches; Jobs Diffusion Is Proportional to the Size of Cities; Selective Relocation According to the Type of Activity; Enlarged Commuting Distances; Changes in Urban Morphology; Wider and Less Dense Urban Areas; Emerging Polycentrism)

Factors in Urban Expansion Involving Both 'Spontaneous' and Institutional Considerations

(The 'Facilitated Mobility' Revolution. The Acceleration of Space-Time Convergence Under the Rule of the Motor-Car; The Growing Use of the Private Car; Increase in Distances Undertaken, Stability of Journey Times; Adapting the Town to the Car: A Prevalent Policy During the Years 1960-1970; Strategies Concerning the Localisation of Populations and Economic Activities; Housing Strategies: New Social Aspirations, the Success of a Commercial Product or an Evolution in the Housing Market? Locational Strategies of Economic Activity; The Strong Impact of Housing Policies; The State as Main Investor in Peri-Urbanisation?; Social Policy, Disengagement of the State, or Support to the Building Sector?; Was the French Political Context in Favour of Urban Expansion?; Local Town Planning: A Wide Set of Measures with Flexible Application; A too Fragmented Approach to Urban Spatial Development?)

Consequences of Urban Sprawl and Debate on the Style of Towns

(Urban Sprawl and Ecological Costs; A Limited Encroachment on Open Spaces; Urban Sprawl and Motorcar Dependency; The Sprawled Town: An Economically Sustainable Model?; Is the Increase in Transport Costs Detrimental to the Lifestyle of Peri-Urban Households?; The Economic Cost of Urbanisation in Sparsely Populated Zones; Urban Sprawl, Spatial Segregation and Social Cohesion; The Impact of Urban Sprawl on the Geography of Social Groups; Is Social Cohesion Threatened?; Does Urban Sprawl Give Rise to a Decline in Town Centres?; The Maintenance of the Demographic and Economic Weight of Centres; A Comparatively Early Policy for the Reconstruction of Centres; Urban Marketing, an 'Instrument at the Service of Territorial Identity'; Which Urban Styles Correspond to the Peripheries?)

Future Prospects and Policies for Monitoring Urban Sprawl

(Prospects for Urban Sprawl in France in 2020; Demographic Evolution and Peri-Urbanisation; Evolution of Mobility and Peri-Urban Dynamics; Impact of the Information Revolution on Urban Form; Evolution of Housing Policy and Peri-Urban Dynamics; New Institutions for Regulating Urban Sprawl; From Communal Mosaic to Metropolitan Governance; Towards a Limitation of Urban Sprawl; Transportation Systems as Main Tool for Regulation)

Conclusion - References

List of tables - List of figures .

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