Registration Teachers

In this section you can find information about the use of teaching material reserved to teachers.
Fill the form, if you need further assistance .

User registration in the Teachers Area is mandatory and necessary for the assignment of a password and username.

These passwords and usernames automatically identify the user who owns them, who therefore undertakes to keep them secret and immediately notify FrancoAngeli Editore of any violations or improper uses of which he becomes aware.

  • The slides and other materials (hereinafter referred  with "slides") residing in the protected Teachers Area of each volume are subject to the following specific conditions of use: The slides can only be used by the teacher in possession of the password, only for didactic purpose.
  • Slides may be projected during class but CAN NOT be distributed to students.
  • The teacher can decide to customize the slides as long as he/she keeps the title and copyright information.
  • The slides thus modified can also be projected in class but they CANNOT be distributed to the students.
  • The teacher undertakes to respect copyright and not to disseminate material that could constitute a "substitute" for the book.

To request an evaluation copy's book, fill all the fields of the form you can find here.

In each form you can insert  a single request  and up to 3 request once (up to 10 request each year).

The request will be accepted only if the book is linked to the teaching area.
You need to have more than 20 students in order to have your request approved.

The evaluation book will be sent in e-book format if available. (you will recieve a printed book only if the ebook is not available).

We ask to be informed about the adoption within 60 days, with the motivation (University Office:  phone:+39022837141)


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