Journal title FORUM
Author/s Rocco A. Pisani
Publishing Year 2006 Issue 2006/1
Language English Pages 16 P. File size 313 KB
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<em>The Matrix in the median and the large group</em> - In contrast to the small group, transference phenomena almost disappear in the median group while here-and-now phenomena, especially mirroring, come to the fore. the large group, and to some extent the Median Group, is more concerned with the Primordial Level of the matrix and with archetypal representations of the collective unconscious. Their creative and destructive powers are fundamental to understanding the dynamics of these groups. Such archetypal representations are explored in this paper, with some thoughts about how it is possible to move from chaos to individuation, with particular reference to Mediterranean culture and its connection to Greek Mythology.
Rocco A. Pisani, The Matrix in the median and the large group in "FORUM" 1/2006, pp , DOI: