Journal title QA Rivista dell’Associazione Rossi-Doria
Author/s Sandro Sillani
Publishing Year 2007 Issue 2007/2
Language Italian Pages 21 P. 123-143 File size 92 KB
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Profitable aspects of mutualism in agricultural processing cooperatives - This study offers a model of analysis of the profitability of agricultural processing cooperatives based on agricultural products contributed by partners. The indexes of the model provide: 1) the degree of profitability of agricultural products contributed independent of income policy measures; 2) an estimate of conformity with the D.Lgs. n. 6/2003 law introduced in Italy on prevalent mutualism; 3) the effect of mutualism on the profitability of agricultural products contributed by partners. Theapplicability and the efficacy of the model have been verified on the basis of a firm study case.
Sandro Sillani, La redditività nelle cooperative agricole di trasformazione in "QA Rivista dell’Associazione Rossi-Doria" 2/2007, pp 123-143, DOI: