I genitori e i servizi educativi

Author/s Carla Rinaldi , Paola Cagliari , Claudia Giudici
Publishing Year 2008 Issue 2008/2
Language Italian Pages 14 P. 89-102 File size 475 KB
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Parents and educational services Preschools (infant-toddler centres and preschools) increasingly support families in child care. They offer settings for child education, venues for training teachers and parents, and put forward opportunities for social and cultural promotion in civil society. They build an environment for the study of educational relationships, interconnecting different educational projects. The public preschools in Reggio Emilia do not consider themselves the sole holders of educational knowledge an approach that stems from their experience - and thus promote dialogue with, and among, parents, considered persons with experience and knowledge, and hence active contributors to the understanding of children. Consequently, the schools as institutions, value parents’ educational experience, and offer friendly settings for dialogue and cooperation. They create a milieu that shores up confidence and understanding among teachers, parents and children, and facilitates the combined research for educational meanings, and a debate between different points of view. Such exchanges of opinions - on how to look at, or understand, children’s culture and rights - unquestionably represent the surfacing in civil society of more complex social representations of children and human beings, and illustrates the growth of a social capital produced by parents, individuals or citizen. Keywords: Reggio Emilia, educational services, parents, families, citizenship, participation

Carla Rinaldi , Paola Cagliari , Claudia Giudici, I genitori e i servizi educativi in "RIVISTA SPERIMENTALE DI FRENIATRIA" 2/2008, pp 89-102, DOI: