Publishing Year 2009 Issue 2009/1
Language Italian Pages 46 P. 281-326 File size 204 KB
DOI 10.3280/DIRI2009-001021
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1. Decree by the President of the Republic (Decreto del Presidente della Repubblica) 30.7.2009 n. 189 - Regulation concerning the recognition of academic study titles pursuant to Art. 5 of Act 11.7.2002 n. 148. 2. Decree by the Prime Minister (Decreto del Presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri) 19.11.2009 - Extension of the state of emergency to continue the activities of opposition and management of the influx of third country nationals (09A14317). 3. Decree by the Interior Minister (Decreto Ministro dell’interno) 28.11.2009 - Technical and security rules relating to the residence permit and card. 4. Decree by the Labour Minister (Decreto Ministro del lavoro, della salute e delle politiche sociali) 2.11.2009 - Payment modalities of the principal and interests owed as social security and assistance contributions for domestic helpers and carers for the elderly and concerning the employment periods prior to the trimester indemnified by means of a lump sum payment.CircularsEU citizensEmployment1. Interior Minister (Ministero interno) 20.1.2010 n. 2 - "Transitional legal framework concerning the access to the employment market of Romanian and Bulgarian citizens". Residence 2. Interior Minister (Ministero interno) 21.7.2009 n. 18 - Directive n. 2004/38 EC, on the right of citizens of the Union and their family members to move and reside freely within the territory of the Member States. Publication of the guidelines by the European Commission. Clarifications on the coverage by the social assistance system required to determine the residence of the citizen of the Union and on the concept of "sufficient resources for residence". 3. Interior Minister (Ministero interno) 28.8.2009 n. 400-a - Legislative Decree 6.2.2007, n. 30, as amended by the Legislative Decree 28.2.2008, n. 32, concerning the "Implementation of Directive 2004/38/EC on the right of citizens of the Union and their family members to move and reside freely within the territory of the Member States" - Communication by the Commission of the European Communities to the European Parliament and the Council, dated 2.7.2009. 4. Tax and Revenue Office (Agenzia entrate) 17.9.2009 n. 250/E - Taxpayer petition - stamp duty - grant of the residence card for family of Union citizens who do not have a citizenship of a Member State - demand for an opinion.Third Country NationalsAsylum5. Interior Minister (Ministero interno) 6.8.2009 n. 4902 - Circular prot. n. 16560, dated 3.3.2009 of the Ministry for Economy and Finances - Treasury Department - Direction VI. Update of the assignment prices of "Travel documents for refugees" (grey cover) and "Travel tickets for foreigners" (green cover). 6. Interior Minister (Ministero interno) 24.8.2009 n. 5234 - EC residence permit for long term residents to foreigners who have obtained refugee status. 7. National Institute for Social Welfare (Istituto nazionale previdenza sociale) (INPS) 22.1.2010 n. 9 - Holders of the status of political refugees and of subsidiary protection. Check for families with at least three minor children granted by municipalities. Health Care 8. Tax and Revenue Office (Agenzia entrate) 26.8.2009 n. 238/E - Legal advice - VAT. Art. 10, n. 27 ter) of d.p.r. 26.10.1972, n. 633 - provision of welfare and assistance services to migrant, homeless persons, asking for asylum. 9. Interior Ministry (Ministero interno) 27.11.2009 n. 780/A7 - Health assistance for foreigners not registered with the National Health Service (Servizio sanitario nazionale), prohibition to report foreigners who are not in compliance with the rules on residence. Confirmed. Citizenship 10. Interior Ministry (Ministero interno) 7.10.2009 - Statute 15.7.2009 n. 94 “Provisions on public security” - Amendments concerning citizenship - Clarifications. 11. Interior Ministry (Ministero interno) 2.11.2009 - Statute 15.7.2009 n. 94 “Provisions on public security” - Amendments concerning citizenship. Additional clarifications. Foreign prisoners 12. Justice Ministry (Ministero giustizia) 9.11.2009 - Statute 15.7.2009 n. 94 “Provisions on public security. Entry 13. Interior Ministry (Ministero interno) 20.7.2009 - Requests of authorisation for scientific research pursuant to Art. 27 ter Legislative Decree n. 286/98. Family 14. Interior Ministry (Ministero interno) 24.9.2009 n. 5987 - Art. 29, co. 6, of the Legislative Decree 286/98 and subsequent amendments. Conversion of the residence permit for assistance to minors into residence permit for family reasons. Answer to question. 15. Interior Ministry (Ministero interno) 18.11.2009 n. 7170 - Statute 15.7.2009, n. 94 “Provisions on public security. Employment 16. Interior Ministry (Ministero interno) 12.10.2009 n. 5920 - Requests of conversion of the residence permit for study reasons into residence permit for work reasons. Art. 14 para. 5 of d.p.r. n. 394/99 (regulation to the Code of Immigration). Minors 17. Ministry for Education, University and Research (Ministero istruzione, università e ricerca) 8.10.2010 n. 2 - Indications and recommendations for the integration of foreign pupils. Regularisation of workers providing domestic and support services to families 18. Interior Ministry (Ministero interno) 2.10.2009 n. 6241 - Statute 3.8.2009 n. 102. Conversion into Statute, with amendments by D.L. 1.7.2009, n. 78 Art. 1 ter - Regularisation of irregular work and of support to families. Receipt confirming that the request for regularisation has been presented. 19. Interior Ministry (Ministero interno) 7.12.2009 n. 7950 - Procedure of regularisation of irregular work in the activities of family assistance and support pursuant to Statute 102/09. Interruption of the employment relationship. 20. Istituto nazionale previdenza sociale (INPS) 9.12.2009 n. 28660 - Domestic workers. Charges following regularisation pursuant to Art. 1 ter of Statute 3.8.2009, n. 102. Clarifications. 21. Interior Ministry (Ministero interno) 23.12.2009 n. 8456 - Procedure of regularisation of irregular work in the activities of family assistance and support pursuant to Statute 102/09. Circular INPS, dated 9.12.2009. 22. Interior Ministry (Ministero interno) 28.12.2009 n. 8392 - Statute 3.8.2009 n. 102. Procedure of regularisation of irregular work by foreign citizens in the activities of family assistance and support. Interruption of the employment relationship. 23. National Institute for Social Welfare (Istituto nazionale previdenza sociale) (INPS) 29.12.2009 n. 30264 - Domestic workers - Contributions owed in attendance of the definition of the procedure of regularisation pursuant to Art. 1 ter of Statute 3.8.2009, n. 102. Registration of the employment relationships subsequent to the residence contract at the Counters for immigration (Sportelli unici per l’immigrazione) - practical instructions. Clarifications. 24. Interior Ministry (Ministero interno) 18.2.2010 - Procedure of regularisation of irregular work in the activities of family assistance and support pursuant to Statute 102/09. Submission of the documentation concerning the accommodation - failed submission by the parties - information concerning the request. 25. Interior Ministry (Ministero interno) 19.2.2010 - Procedure of regularisation of irregular work in the activities of family assistance and support pursuant to Statute 102/09. Presentazione della documentazione relativa all’alloggio - Submission of the documentation concerning the accommodation - failed submission by the parties - information concerning the request. Residence 26. Interior Ministry (Ministero interno) 27.5.2009 n. 3111 - EC residence permit for long term residents - revocation - answer to question.
, Osservatorio italiano: Leggi , regolamenti e decreti statali / Circolari: Cittadini comunitari - Cittadini extracomunitari / Documenti in "DIRITTO, IMMIGRAZIONE E CITTADINANZA" 1/2009, pp 281-326, DOI: 10.3280/DIRI2009-001021