Il ritorno del figliol prodigo. Ovvero l’Almirante "democratico"

Author/s Marco Albertaro
Publishing Year 2010 Issue 2010/79
Language Italian Pages 9 P. 133-141 File size 276 KB
DOI 10.3280/PASS2010-079007
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The return of the prodigal son - deals with the posthumous glorification of Giorgio Almirante, a former member of the Rsi government and a founder of the neo-fascist party (Msi) in Italy. Though the history of the Italian extreme Right has begun to be seriously studied in recent years, the prevailing trend is the one of "normalizing" Fascism and Neo-fascism by magnifying some of their chief characters and even by finding them a place in the Pantheon of Republican Italy. The case of Giorgio Almirante is a good example of this tendency: both some recent pamphlets about this leader and the growing habit of calling after him streets, squares and public places clearly aim to reshaping the historical common sense in an "anti-antifascist" perspective.

Keywords: Almirante, Fascism, Neo-fascism, revisionism.

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Marco Albertaro, Il ritorno del figliol prodigo. Ovvero l’Almirante "democratico" in "PASSATO E PRESENTE" 79/2010, pp 133-141, DOI: 10.3280/PASS2010-079007