Author/s Brigitte Mazohl
Publishing Year 2011 Issue 2010/35
Language Italian Pages 20 P. 63-82 File size 336 KB
DOI 10.3280/MER2010-035005
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The article provides a short historiographical overview of the changes in constitutional history in Austria, starting with the history of institutions, via structural history approaches, to the "New Constitutional History" in the context of the "Cultural History of the Political", "New Intellectual History" and the research area "Political Communication". Viewed in this context, political language today receives considerably more attention than previously within the traditional history of constitutions. The main section outlines the complex development of the Habsburg monarchy from a (neo)absolutist to a modern constitutional state during the 19th century. This development proved to be an exceptionally complex challenge due to the standard European model of an ethnically homogenous constitutional state, clashing with the multi-ethnic reality of the monarchy. The diversity of the historical rights of each country (Länder) hampered this endeavour even more. Thus, regarding the "political language" used at the time, initially one had to clarify which "peoples" and "nationalities" demanded which "rights" in which "state"/"country" of the monarchy.
Keywords: Habsburg Monarchy; Constitutional History; Political Language; Nationality; Nation-building; State
Brigitte Mazohl, Comunicazione politica e nuova storia costituzionale: l’esempio della Monarchia asburgica nel XIX secolo in "MEMORIA E RICERCA " 35/2010, pp 63-82, DOI: 10.3280/MER2010-035005