Journal title IKON
Author/s Marco Caselli
Publishing Year 2011 Issue 2009/58-59
Language Italian Pages 19 P. 57-75 File size 689 KB
DOI 10.3280/IKR2009-058004
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This article analyses peer to peer communication practices mediated by digital technologies. Particularly, the forms of this kind of communication have been in depth analysed within adolescents of foreigner origins living in Milan.
Aims of the research were:
1) outlining communication and socialisation practices technologically mediated (such as the use of cellular phone to exchange photos, videos etc. or the participation in social network), typical of the target group;
2) highlighting the role of these new communication practices in shaping peculiar relationship between migrants and indigenous culture, in terms of integration/differentiation processes;
3) defining if and how such behaviours enable a space of creativity, selfdetermination and cultural mediation between multiple belongings;
4) identifying any strategy of identity constructing in transnational terms. The sample was collected in two high schools in Milan (Italy) and consists of 20 subjects, male and female, age between 15 and 19 years old. All of them attended Italian school from the first class of secondary school at least. Data were gathered through individual interview, focus group and virtual shadowing. The last method offered the possibility to get multimedia items produced by subjects themselves, that have been analysed too. Data were analysed according to qualitative methods; results are presented and discussed from the point of view of flow theory, acculturation processes and transnationalism. Results outline specific communication behaviours in which socialisation processes can bring about change in the traditional categorisation Italian/foreigner. The consequence is a new symbolic space for self representation and construction of identity.
Marco Caselli, Tra due mondi e tra due culture: l'esperienza degli adolescenti figli di immigrati a Milano in "IKON" 58-59/2009, pp 57-75, DOI: 10.3280/IKR2009-058004