Somatic Experiences and Emergent Dysfunctions

Author/s Michael Clemmens, Frank Ruella, Edward Smith
Publishing Year 2013 Issue 2013/1
Language Italian Pages 20 P. 9-28 File size 919 KB
DOI 10.3280/GEST2013-001002
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This article is the shortened version of an article published into the International Journal Studies in Gestalt Therapy. Dialogical Bridges. The three editors of that journal (Dan Bloom, Margherita Spagnuolo Lobb and Frank Stëmmler) pose questions about bodily experience according to gestalt therapy to the authors, three main experts in the field. They answer from the background of basic gestalt principles, like the co-creation of contact in a field perspecitve, embodied experience of the relationship, sufferings as creative adjustments, etc. Gestalt therapy practise has developed along two main lines, one focused on body work, the other focused on verbal interventions. Today, theoreticians, clinicians, trainers, and students are engaged in the challenge of re-owning the integrative and wholistic sense that a phenomenological approach based on the primacy of experience requires.

Keywords: Body, olism, co-creation, embodied relationship, creative adjustment, experience, Gestalt therapy.

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  • Una lettura gestaltica dei disturbi psicosomatici: "la pelle che brucia" Michele Cannavò, Dario Davì, Brenda Cervellione, in QUADERNI DI GESTALT 2/2024 pp.33
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Michael Clemmens, Frank Ruella, Edward Smith, Esperienze somatiche e disfunzioni emergenti: un dialogo in "QUADERNI DI GESTALT" 1/2013, pp 9-28, DOI: 10.3280/GEST2013-001002