Sustainable Wellbeing in a Globalized World - Consumption, Conflicts and the Need for Resolutions

Author/s Martina I. Steiner, Marlies Moderndorfer, Andrea De Antoni
Publishing Year 2014 Issue 2014/1
Language English Pages 23 P. 125-147 File size 201 KB
DOI 10.3280/RISS2014-001008
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The accelerated process of globalization has dramatically changed social structures and, consequently, practices. This demographic dynamic creates heterogeneous realities, that require adaptation of communication paradigms, social interaction and cooperation, in order to develop new sustainable models of coexistence that can create a basis for well-being. In order to achieve this purpose, it is fundamental to guarantee fundamental rights for everyone, in particular a healthy sustenance, consumed in an enjoyable socio-cultural environment.

Keywords: Communication, social interaction, cooperation, new sustainable models of coexistence, wellbeing, fundamental rights

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Martina I. Steiner, Marlies Moderndorfer, Andrea De Antoni, Sustainable Wellbeing in a Globalized World - Consumption, Conflicts and the Need for Resolutions in "RIVISTA DI STUDI SULLA SOSTENIBILITA'" 1/2014, pp 125-147, DOI: 10.3280/RISS2014-001008