Author/s Michela Di Giacomo
Publishing Year 2014 Issue 2014/14
Language Italian Pages 15 P. 119-133 File size 289 KB
DOI 10.3280/HM2014-014013
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During the 1960’s, almost 4 millions of people moved from South to North of Italy lookingfor work and status symbols. This movement mixed cultural and social backgroundsand made a brand new Italian identity, based on consumer society and political involvement.Film industry took interest in these processes since 1953, when Eduardo De Filippoused the frame of migrant’s community in Milan to set Napoletani a Milano. This interestlasts still recent times because it became clear that inner migrations are one of themost important elements of national building. Love, Family, Industry, Suburbs, LabourMovement are the themes that Cinema has preferred to outline how countrymen met urbansociety. The paper aims to point out how cinema has been describing cultural and socialintegration and persistence of regional patterns, tracing a path from Napoletani a Milano,to Rocco e I suoi fratelli, to Così ridevano.
Keywords: Migration studies, Cinema, 1960’s, Inner Migrations, "Miracolo economico",Social mix-up.
Michela Di Giacomo, Benvenuti al Nord? Migrazioni interne e identità nazionale attraverso il cinema in "HISTORIA MAGISTRA" 14/2014, pp 119-133, DOI: 10.3280/HM2014-014013