Author/s Margherita Spagnuolo Lobb, Elisabetta Conte
Publishing Year 2018 Issue 2018/1
Language Italian Pages 18 P. 71-88 File size 211 KB
DOI 10.3280/GEST2018-001006
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This article presents the transcription of a family session led by M. Spagnuolo Lobb. The introductory note, comments along with the text, and conclusions are reflections by E. Conte, who starts from the basic principles of Gestalt therapy and from the Gestalt family therapy model by Spagnuolo Lobb (cfr. 2011). The therapeutic intervention is focused on the concepts of co-creation of contact boundaries among family members, on the unfolding of the previously blocked intentionalities of contact and on the consideration of the family as a unitary phenomenological field.
Keywords: Unitary phenomenological field, spontaneity, desensitization, suffering of the "between", family vital cycle, intentionality of contact, map of the intertwining of contact modes, taking care of.
Margherita Spagnuolo Lobb, Elisabetta Conte, Gestalt Family Therapy in azione in "QUADERNI DI GESTALT" 1/2018, pp 71-88, DOI: 10.3280/GEST2018-001006