Brief Inventory of Thriving: Testing Italian version’s reliability using SEM

Author/s Angela Sorgente, Semira Tagliabue, Margherita Lanz
Publishing Year 2019 Issue 2019/1
Language English Pages 21 P. 97-117 File size 257 KB
DOI 10.3280/PDS2019-001006
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The 10-item Brief Inventory of Thriving is an instrument measuring well-being, overcoming the traditional hedonia-versus-eudaimonia framework. Evidence for this scale’s validity has been already collected in American, German and Chinese populations. The current paper aims to develop the Italian version of the Brief Inventory of Thriving, verify its mono-dimensionality and collect evidence about its reliability. Reliability evidence is usually collected performing Pearson correlations between observed variables, while the current study uses SEM methods, as suggested by the recent literature on the topic. Specifically, internal consistency was estimated by composite reliability (?), temporal stability was tested both by longitudinal measurement invariance between two time points (structural stability) and correlation of individual latent scores assessed at two separate occasions (differential stability). Finding suggested that the scale is mono-dimensional, has good internal consistency (? >0.70), has structural stability (full longitudinal measurement invariance) and differential stability (test-retest r=0.85). Future studies should further investigate the adequateness of items 1 and 2.�

Keywords: Well-being, thriving, validation, reliability, stability, structural equation models.

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Angela Sorgente, Semira Tagliabue, Margherita Lanz, Brief Inventory of Thriving: Testing Italian version’s reliability using SEM in "PSICOLOGIA DELLA SALUTE" 1/2019, pp 97-117, DOI: 10.3280/PDS2019-001006