
Author/s Adriana Gagliardi
Publishing Year 2019 Issue 2019/1
Language Italian Pages 7 P. 5-11 File size 128 KB
DOI 10.3280/PSP2019-001001
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The author analyzes the theme of the issue Vanitas, proposing some interpretations from a psychoanalytic point of view. She also reflects on the possible positive meaning of the binomial vanitas-vacuitas, starting from the importance of a good original narcissistic supply by the mother-environment for a harmonious development of the Self. She also freely associates the importance of lightness with the theme, referring to Italo Calvino, which means taking weight without removing depth and content from words and emptiness, as Marion Milner wrote, to become empty without being empty, to be able to wel-come creative thoughts. This happens even when we are "containers" of patient projections, in Bion’s sense of the term. Some questions and reflections are proposed on the clinic and on the manifestations of vanitas-vacuitas in today’s patients. The number is presented based on the thematic characteristics of the contributions.

Keywords: Vanitas, vacuitas, lightness, emptiness, narcissism, psychic transformation.

Adriana Gagliardi, Editoriale in "PSICOTERAPIA PSICOANALITICA" 1/2019, pp 5-11, DOI: 10.3280/PSP2019-001001