Narrative pathways to prevent radicalization. Tree of Life practice in a Romanian prison

Author/s Ovidiu Gavrilovici, Aliona Dronic
Publishing Year 2020 Issue 2019/2
Language English Pages 16 P. 40-55 File size 214 KB
DOI 10.3280/PSC2019-002004
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There is an increased interest for radicalization and its prevention. The identity crisis para-digm suggests the potential usefulness of collaborative strategies for the construction of desir-able identities. This paper describes a pilot model of two narrative practices - The Tree of Life and the Definitional Ceremony, supporting alternative desirable identities as pathway to pre-vent radicalization in Iasi Prison, in Romania. Eight young adults detention and 6 universitary students were involved in the narrative processes. The authors claim that the narrative support-ive practices have an effect of restoring dignity, re-humanizing contexts and relationships, and supporting preferred narratives worth living.

Keywords: Narrative model, radicalization, prevention, identity.

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  • Preventing Violent Radicalisation in Europe Ovidiu Gavrilovici, Aliona Dronic, Laura Remaschi, pp.59 (ISBN:978-3-030-52047-2)

Ovidiu Gavrilovici, Aliona Dronic, Narrative pathways to prevent radicalization. Tree of Life practice in a Romanian prison in "PSICOLOGIA DI COMUNITA’" 2/2019, pp 40-55, DOI: 10.3280/PSC2019-002004