Valorisation of urban green areas for producing renewable energy and biochar as growing substrate of Sicilian aromatic and nutraceutical species in a circular economy

Author/s Antonio Comparetti, Carlo Greco, Michele Massimo Mammano, Navickas Kestutis, Orlando Santo, Venslauskas Kestutis
Publishing Year 2020 Issue 2019/2 Suppl.
Language English Pages 16 P. 299-314 File size 396 KB
DOI 10.3280/RISS2019-002-S1019
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This work is aimed at evaluating the possible building up of a gasifier for the energy valorisation of residual biomass deriving from urban areas and their surroundings. The area and the volumes of supply and economic convenience have been determined by implementing a GIS-based geographic method to the localisation and quantification of non-uniform elements of plant biomass. The pyrolysis and gasification processes of the lignocellulosic biomass obtained from pruning and maintenance operations of the urban and ornamental green include the production of a residual amount of biochar. The biochar can be used in agriculture as a soil improver and a substrate alternative to peat in the sustainable production of Sicilian aromatic and nutraceutical species grown in pots within a circular economy.

Keywords: Sustainable development, renewable energy sources, biomass, green areas, aromatic species, nutraceutical species.

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Antonio Comparetti, Carlo Greco, Michele Massimo Mammano, Navickas Kestutis, Orlando Santo, Venslauskas Kestutis, Valorisation of urban green areas for producing renewable energy and biochar as growing substrate of Sicilian aromatic and nutraceutical species in a circular economy in "RIVISTA DI STUDI SULLA SOSTENIBILITA'" 2 Suppl./2019, pp 299-314, DOI: 10.3280/RISS2019-002-S1019