Assessment of investment attractiveness for regional sustainable development using methods of economic, statistical and factor analysis

Author/s Svetlana L. Lozhkina, Alexander A. Novikov, Elena A. Chepkasova, Elena V. Novikova
Publishing Year 2021 Issue 2020/2
Language English Pages 17 P. 65-81 File size 187 KB
DOI 10.3280/RISS2020-002005
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The modern stage of civilizational processes puts forward "sustainable development" as the fundamental goal, considering this the most important vector of promising transformations of human society. This stage of globalization development reveals the need to make the above processes not spontaneous, but controlled, which can be implemented, inter alia, through a qualitative transformation of tools and technologies used to monitor and predict the development of individual territories. The article presents a methodology for a comprehensive assessment of the investment attractiveness of a region using methods of integrated statistical assessment, including methods of descriptive analysis, and using the method of factor analysis. This method allows monitoring the level of development of information and communication technologies in the region as a whole, as well as in the context of individual types of economic activity in order to determine the main points of bifurcation for the concentration of financial resources in the development of ICT and increase the investment potential of the region as a whole.

Keywords: Investment attractiveness, region, economic and statistical analysis, descriptive analysis, factor analysis, sustainable development.

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Svetlana L. Lozhkina, Alexander A. Novikov, Elena A. Chepkasova, Elena V. Novikova, Assessment of investment attractiveness for regional sustainable development using methods of economic, statistical and factor analysis in "RIVISTA DI STUDI SULLA SOSTENIBILITA'" 2/2020, pp 65-81, DOI: 10.3280/RISS2020-002005