Imprenditorialità, Inclusione o Co-produzione? Innovazione sociale e possibili approcci territoriali

Journal title CRIOS
Author/s Luca Tricarico, Lorenzo De Vidovich
Publishing Year 2021 Issue 2021/21
Language Italian Pages 12 P. 34-45 File size 151 KB
DOI 10.3280/CRIOS2021-021004
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Overcoming the ghetto. Analysis of the housing segregation of agricultural workers in the province of Foggia The article arises from the need to find a renewed unique interpretative key on the concept of social innovation in territorial approaches, observing the different forms of research and methodological / disciplinary perspectives. To this end, the analysis proposed in the contribution is based on a systematic review: on the one hand, considering the presence of the keyword social innovation combined with the concepts of entrepreneurship, inclusion and co-production; on the other hand, the presence or absence of a territorial or urban perspective. The aim of the article is to provide an analysis of which common aspects are present in the current academic landscape, seeking new directions towards which the different approaches require careful application to important territorial issues.

Keywords: social innovation, territorial policies, entrepreneurship, inclusion, co-production.

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Luca Tricarico, Lorenzo De Vidovich, Imprenditorialità, Inclusione o Co-produzione? Innovazione sociale e possibili approcci territoriali in "CRIOS" 21/2021, pp 34-45, DOI: 10.3280/CRIOS2021-021004