Author/s Rosita Lappi
Publishing Year 2022 Issue 2022/1
Language Italian Pages 17 P. 84-100 File size 219 KB
DOI 10.3280/PSP2022-001006
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The contribution moves along a historical path concerning the body in art, try-ing to trace a circumscribed line to the representation of the erotic body, starting from the Nymph studied by Aby Warburg, and the representation of women in art, up to the contemporary erotic imaginary, with an interest in the studies on hysteria of Charcot and the psychoanalysis. Turning to the ancient and the archaic subjec-tive, the gaze on the present is problematized, investigating the long evolution of subjectivation, along unprecedented forms of pathological narcissism. The rela-tionship with the mother hides in the shadow of an archaic attachment, as well as in the too much light of contemporary scenes, highlighting traumatic anxieties due to the absence of the object or its too much and traumatic presence, returning fragments of a shattered mirror.
Keywords: erotic body, original, hysterical theater, aesthetic conflict, female pathological narcissism, contemporaneity.
Rosita Lappi, Corpo erotico, tempo, immagine. Tra arte e psicoanalisi in "PSICOTERAPIA PSICOANALITICA" 1/2022, pp 84-100, DOI: 10.3280/PSP2022-001006