Great Resignation or Great Reshuffle? A legal-quantitative analyisis of the labour market transitions following the post-Covid resignations in Italy

Author/s Silvia Ciucciovino, Nicola Caravaggio
Publishing Year 2023 Issue 2023/177-178
Language Italian Pages 40 P. 197-240 File size 876 KB
DOI 10.3280/GDL2023-177011
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In the aftermath of the Covid pandemic, the labor market has been profoundly altered. Among the phenomena that seems to have resulted is the “great resignation”, which spread mainly in the United States under the name of “Great Resignation”. Italy has also experienced a sharp increase in voluntary resignations in 2021, and more so in 2022. However, this specific phe-nomenon is not a result of the pandemic, at most this has exacerbated it, as resignations had been on the rise since 2009. Nonetheless, it seems more appropriate to speak of a “Great Re-shuffle”, thus a great internal transformation or recomposition of the labor market. The essay explores, from an interdisciplinary perspective, the characteristics of resignations in Italy using data from the Mandatory Communications and focusing on labor market transitions resulting from these resignations. By reconstructing the work histories and career paths of individual workers, the qualitative and quantitative profiles of short-, medium- and long-term returns to the workforce after a resignation are examined. This allows an in-depth analysis of the most recent labor market dynamics, and also captures the strengths and weaknesses of resigned workers in their job transitions, but also provides possible explanations for the resignation phenomenon.

Keywords: Work, Resignations, Job transition, Labor market, Gender gap.

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  • Trasformazioni, valori e regole del lavoro Giorgio Fontana, pp.503 (ISBN:979-12-215-0507-8)

Silvia Ciucciovino, Nicola Caravaggio, Great Resignation o Great Reshuffle? Un’analisi giuridico-quantitativa delle transizioni nel mercato del lavoro a seguito delle dimissioni post-Covid in Italia in "GIORNALE DI DIRITTO DEL LAVORO E DI RELAZIONI INDUSTRIALI " 177-178/2023, pp 197-240, DOI: 10.3280/GDL2023-177011