La proposta di regolamento sul riconoscimento della filiazione tra Stati membri dell’Unione europea: l’ambito di applicazione e le regole sulla competenza giurisdizionale

Author/s Ilaria Queirolo
Publishing Year 2024 Issue 2024/1
Language Italian Pages 12 P. 25-36 File size 187 KB
DOI 10.3280/CEU2024-001004
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The proposal for an EU regulation on the recognition of parenthood between Member States aims to promote legal certainty and predictability of rules on jurisdiction, applicable law and the circulation of decisions. These objectives are part of a matter (that of the circulation of family statuses) that presents delicate profiles and on which it is certainly difficult to intervene in a ‘neutral’ manner. The purpose of this contribution is to focus on the analysis of the proposal, with particular attention to its scope of application and discipline on jurisdiction. The latter, contained in Chapter II of the proposal, is variously inspired by the solutions already adopted in other EU regulations on family and succession matters. At the same time, the presence of numerous and potentially concurrent heads of jurisdiction presents certain risks of redundancy and might compromise legal certainty

Ilaria Queirolo, La proposta di regolamento sul riconoscimento della filiazione tra Stati membri dell’Unione europea: l’ambito di applicazione e le regole sulla competenza giurisdizionale in "CITTADINANZA EUROPEA (LA)" 1/2024, pp 25-36, DOI: 10.3280/CEU2024-001004