
Author/s Vito Garramone, Roberta Capello, Simone Corrado, Francesco Scorza, Beniamino Murgante
Publishing Year 2024 Issue 2024/140
Language Italian Pages 77 P. 175-251 File size 1598 KB
DOI 10.3280/ASUR2024-140008
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Innovation modes and smart specialisation policies for the European Regions While it is common wisdom that innovation policies have to be tailored on specificities of local economies and on their innovative and absorptive capacity, a vast debate still exists if it is necessary that each region should have its own innovation strategy or if instead it would be more appropriate the identification of similar strategies for regions with similar modes of innovation. This work presents in a deductive way, a possible way to identify different innovation modes, and suggests policies for each of them.

- This paper uses GeoAI to map territorial disparities in Italy, identifying target areas in cohesion policy development. It applies interpretable AI models and manifold learning to reveal the underlying structure of territorial systems, identifying features that classify areas as “marginal.” The results inform planners by highlighting crucial socio-economic factors. The study also shows how AI-driven geospatial thinking supports decision-making process in orienting territorial cohesion programs.

Keywords: innovation; regions; smart policies, spatial planning; GeoAI; XAI; urban-rural; territorial classification

Vito Garramone, Roberta Capello, Simone Corrado, Francesco Scorza, Beniamino Murgante, Dibattito in "ARCHIVIO DI STUDI URBANI E REGIONALI" 140/2024, pp 175-251, DOI: 10.3280/ASUR2024-140008