Quale rapporto tra capitali e territori? Prospettive teoriche e di ricerca sulla finanziarizzazione dello sviluppo urbano

Author/s Veronica Conte, Mattia Fiore
Online First 1/16/2025 Issue 2025/Online First
Language Italian Pages 25 P. 1-25 File size 202 KB
DOI 10.3280/SUR2025-17524
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In this essay, we propose a sociological and territorial perspective on the relationship be-tween capital and space and, more specifically, on the financialisation of urban development. Having sketched an analytical and conceptual framework, we invite the reader to put the prop-erty market at the centre of their analysis of the transformation of urban space. Finally, we briefly discuss the state of the art in Italy, suggesting new avenues for future research.

Keywords: financialisation, territory, urban development, short-term rentals, rental housing, student housing

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Veronica Conte, Mattia Fiore, Quale rapporto tra capitali e territori? Prospettive teoriche e di ricerca sulla finanziarizzazione dello sviluppo urbano in "SOCIOLOGIA URBANA E RURALE" Online First/2025, pp 1-25, DOI: 10.3280/SUR2025-17524